Mr. Boojangles

Two or three recommendations I haven’t heard mentioned yet: The Lindbergh Case, by Jim Fisher, is an awesome, under-the-radar true crime read; and Zodiac and its sequel Zodiac Unmasked by Robert Graysmith are good summertime/beach reads. Don’t read them too late at night, though!

I recommend everyone read the entirety of that Adam Davidson commentary for the New Yorker. A quick and heartening read.

Joanna, will you please, please take time to do one of these for all movies past, present, and future? Thank you in advance.

Also, The Rivers Ran East.

I’m a man, and even I have to ask:

Especially since Winco is employee-owned. I wish they’d open a store in my town.

White socks? Word, Mr. President?

New phone, who dis?

This whole saga is so ... terrifyingly bizarre. Bob Scheiffer was on CBS news this morning and was marveling, along with Charley Rose, about how far out of the normal bounds this kind if political activity is. Though trying to stay dignified, he appeared flabbergasted at the circus that is this administration. Christ,

These women are awesome! You women are awesome! Women are awesome!

I am trying to find some good news coverage of the march on tv, but MSNBC is literally showing me breaking live footage of Drumph and Melania at church.

It was the fourth quarter, and if you stay on course, you’re definitely going to lose. Why not throw Gabbert out there and see what happens? I don’t think there’s much more to it than that.

It’s not where she’s from that bothers me, nor how long she’s been in leadership. My problem is with her grotesque wealth. Having lots of money doesn’t automatically make a person untrustworthy, of course, and I don’t begrudge her the money. But it’s like, at 76, wouldn’t you want to peace out and go live it up on

I read this profile over breakfast this morning. My favorite part was when the author described Ms. Goldberg as having the “demeanor of a screwball heroine.” I did a google image search, and I can imagine that description being spot on.

Dear Jezebel Staff:

If only he could do that with a Kershaw changeup.

It seemed that even just having to listen to a woman speak was making his skin crawl.

Lots of Trump supporters are Lama fans. Big hitter, the Lama.

I lived in a crawspace two separate times in college, and did not have a sex partner during either period. I can now see how those facts contributed greatly to my swift development into normal adulthood.

You can go crawl under the porch and die now, Clint. The Pussy Generation is ready to grieve.