
“Black Twitter”?? This is a fucking thing? Is there also a “Black Facebook”?

Global genocide is actually being committed by OTHER POCs you dumb fuck! Ever hear of S. Africa? Libya? What about the black abortion rate in the USS Neither of those have to do with white people!! Slavery worldwide is actually black on black! What laws are you talking about exactly? You mean the ones that allow black

Cool, so me calling a Popeye’s cashier a coon is good then?

Whether you agree or not, the reality is that a significant majority of POCs in their teens, 20s and 30s have a general dislike towards whites regardless. If one disparages a negative aspect of black culture while propping up one of whites they are immediately deemed an “Uncle Tom”, regardless of whether or not it’s

Just listen to them and now realize they should be in school at this time, obviously education isn’t a priority.

There are few if any white on black crimes compared to the reverse per

While POCs commit violent crimes nationwide HOURLY.

...or maybe see Asian and Indian immigrants coming here with far less, no friends or family yet excel in school and opening businesses at a far higher rate.

These kids don’t want to learn, ask any teacher who worries about getting assaulted daily!

Many rarely see military action.

Dude stop, I’m crying!

What a surprise, Resident Racist chimes in!

Cool, so if Beyonce announces that her tour is for blacks only...that’s not racist in any way?

...and yet it was only blacks boycotting the Oscars, hmmmm.

You should def. check out Mike Matthews then, guy is a legend on bodybuilding/workout forums, and backs everything up with knowledge and valid data. I’m in my mid-40s and couldn’t believe how ripped I got (I also do HIIT for cardio, highly recommend anything by Shaun T of Beachbody!).

What was made up, that Latinos DO make up a larger segment of our population or that you feel blacks deserve more screen time compared to larger populations? If you didn’t you wouldn’t be writing multiparagh soliloquies bitching about it.

I know, hence why you feel you deserve more screen time than Latinos who make up a bigger segment of our population, good luck with that!

Meryl Streep will give “the keynote eulogy” at Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds’s memorial.

The problem is she doesn’t “have it”, she lacks ambition, looks heavy and disinterested as if she can simply wake up, get on stage and hit the same notes she did 15 years ago...she can’t.