
You’re a special kind of dumb. What I’d love is if you went into your garage and started your car...then took a nap.

Why don’t you go finish shaving your Mom’s back and let the adults talk. We’ll call you if we need snacks.

Trust me, you do a good enough job of making an ass out of yourself, no help needed whatsoever. My premises are right, and a simple Google search supports them but like other POCs you put on your blinders and blame Whitey for the overwhelming societal issues you both have and create.

Oh Jesus Christ, so you ignore him stealing works and cheating in college? I thought you stated he loved only ONE woman?? Now you concede it was many more but still no big deal? Is this your barometer for “best American ever”? Lying, cheating and stealing?

It wasn’t gangs assaulting white people at #BLM rallies, it was just blacks. Every time you see the words “violent mob” it is almost ALWAYS a group of black teens causing havoc either in public or in stores...those aren’t street gangs. And the KKK? They haven’t been in the news in DECADES, no one considers them

Jesus fucking Christ you’re is the goddamn quote:

Who is “us” you keep speaking of, there isn’t a fucking soul here agreeing with you idiot! You stated he was the greatest American ever, despite lying, cheating and stealing from others...none of which has ever been argued by anyone except YOU! This is common fucking knowledge, you’re acting like it was recently

Dude, you weren’t even a top 3 pick in Vegas to win it BEFORE he got injured! The Patriots without a FAR more valuable player in Gronk are STILL rated #1.

...and yet the Patriots are without one of the 3 best players in the NFL and aren’t making excuses. When you had Jordy and were 4-6 you blamed the coach, the defense, stated Rodgers seemed off, blahblahblah.

They should just let blacks police their own neighborhoods anyways, they distrust the police and rarely if ever cooperate either out of fear of neighborhood retaliation or expect nothing to come from it.

...why should you be represented on money when you as a race make the least?

Open your fucking eyes dummy, literally EVERY one of their articles is making fun of white people...that IS anti-white!


You don’t understand how electoral work obviously. Because if Obama lost the popular vote because of a racist South that was in lockstep refusing to vote him in, you wouldn’t be trying to pass off this bullshit, saying “the people” voted. Black voting DECLINED this election, so don’t bother trying to blame it on

“qwerty, party of one”

Should we be impressed that you supported and voted for her?

He has ZERO leg to stand on, all of the leaks that caused Hillary to lose CAME FROM WITHIN HER OWN TEAM, DUMBASS!!!

Go fuck your mother, clown shoe.

Yeah, because black people don’t EVER do that.

No he wasn’t! The guy was a plagiarist, an academic fraud (almost kicked out of BU), and an adulterer.