
She’s culturally irrelevant at this point much like Madonna. Sure they’ll still have sellout tours but her actual talent level has drastically fallen over the past decade: she can’t write hit songs, can’t hit her signature high notes and looks like an overweight hooker fifteen years past her prime. She’s been living

Jesus Christ Mariah, now you’re on JEZEBEL too??!!

“take chances”?? Beyonce literally had over 100 people listed in the credits either songwriting or producing, there isn’t a single thing about her that says “risk taker”. HAHAHA!

Black people should be thankful Hollywood even acknowledges them at this point, when your biggest draw is a cross-dressing closeted black man you know you have issues.

...and yet you’re right back at it again on a work day!

A fucked up one to boot, hence why it’s #1 for number of citizens leaving over the past decade.

“Waking Up White” feeling in the world!

I’m still confused why people consider Montana the GOAT, even after his HOF target admitted using Stickum throughout his career! But yet MVP voting clearly focuses on stats when they pick a QB: wins, completions, TDs, passing yardage and QB rating.

The problem is they’re too wide regardless of weight being 10lbs. or 50, so your range is limited somewhat compared to Powerblocks , not to mention are quite delicate.

The problem is they’re too wide regardless of weight being 10lbs. or 50, so your range is limited somewhat compared

“lawyer with a ton of time on their hands to post on Deadspin”

“slap on the wrist”?

C’mon dude, you and I both know he’s laughing this shit off with his homies, probably watching the tape with them and laughing, playing it in slo mo. Guys that fucking cold cock girls have zero fucking regard or remorse. This bullshit about her bringing it upon herself is comical. You’re telling me that a guy getting

Jim crow, amirite?

No shit, stayed with the dude giving him a pass at every turn, and her dipshit fans were like “you don’t understand how abused women think!” as if this chick didn’t have the money, security or means necessary to simply jet the fuck off at will!

This just in: still looks like an alien.

Not when I’m a known outspoken anti-white writer like these two are. They have no problem whatsoever giving a pass to anything black because “progression” yet anything white-created is given the side eye.

Face it, you got owned and all of your numerical handwaving does nothing to disprove that, cuckboy.

“Flying off the handle” IS outrage dummy! And again, no one is agreeing with you whatsoever, not a fucking soul is claiming anything like that...except you.