
I am extraordinarily thankful that I don’t give a shit about the Russia investigation. Like, if it takes him down, fantastic, but honestly the real story of 2016 wasn’t Russia, it was of the rotten core of America unleashing a far more serious backlash than pretty much anyone expected and exposing just how fragile the

Spicy take there dude. It “annoys” people because it gives cover for hacks like Guerrero to sell this garbage to gullible folks with real health problems.

I will defend Brady everytime against accusations of cheating, which are BS. But this TB12 stuff is snake oil and stealing from gullible idiots. I’m not sure if he is a victim or a perpetrator, much like Tom Cruise and Scientology it’s hard to know which he is, but selling this crap and making these claims is wrong.

one of the dumbest things of this season has been the unapologetic PR that Brady has gotten for his TB12 snake oil from the football press. at best it’s usually “haha look at this weird recipe!” while printing wholesale what its supposed “benefits” are without any critique. At worst, it’s this freaking advertorial in

Go fuck yourself. These white supremacist TERRORISTS deserve whatever they get, male or female, under 65 or over 65- just like rapists and pedophiles deserve whatever they get.

Shut up.

I read that sentence more times than I dare to admit. I need answers.

Of course he’s not going to appeal. He’s going to miss the most meaningless 3% of next season, rather than a single out of the World Series. Good to see Bud Selig left the spine extractor in the office when he left the job.

Being Deadspin I was 98% sure it was gonna be off a hit to the dong.

Offset is part of MIGOS.... who are also insanely successful in the rap world

Are you referring to the invasion of Iraq and how horribly managed Afghanistan was as examples of W’s poor policy? Millions died because of W. Millions of refugees created because of W. Trump is insane petulant man child and maybe he will cause a war but right now, I measure evil by body count and that puts W ahead

I dunno, I think torture is really and truly evil, but that’s just me.

You don’t choose your family, you choose your partner, that’s not a good comparison.

She could also not date fascists.

Those rice cakes you buy in a circular package. You left it open last night. Now there is nothing but a flavorless sensation on your tongue. If there was a flavor it evaporated. Even the crunch is gone.

The ultimate goal is to beat the shit out of them. They’re responsible for their own fucking conversion.

Now playing

This woman can’t go away quickly enough. No idea why so many of her so-called peers are giving her so much slack. She’s bad and a bad person.