Counter-point: She lied, got caught and is now acting like a petulant teenager over it because she sucks.
Counter-point: She lied, got caught and is now acting like a petulant teenager over it because she sucks.
Yes. The guy who started Barstool is asking that question to one of his female employees.
I’m really tired of cowards hiding their bullshit within the context of “just asking questions” or pointless hypotheticals.
The Cubs had to wait 108 years to win a World Series and John Lackey is going to make damn well sure everybody else has to wait 108 years as well.
Lackey is the biggest fake tough guy in baseball.
The Dodgers batting stats. They have no better hitters right now than Puig and Turner. Weird that you’d seize on my mention of Puig. Why ever would that be?
But without that rule, doesn’t Culberson just plow into Contreras? I get that this is the MLB equivalent of the “What’s a catch?” but I think that play is dramatically different if the rule doesn’t exist. Maddon wants it repealed, but then we go back to arguably the most dangerous hits in US sports. I think Maddon has…
Now, don’t be disgusting.
He tried to get Jurgen fired in 2013 for clearing out his dead weight buddies. He quit in a snit to find himself. Then he comes back, can’t play 90 anymore but still plants stories in the press saying Jurgen is making it personal by not building the team around his washed up ass. He was a locker room cancer.
How many more years are we going to pretend Jozy isn’t an immobile piece of shit?
wall built to defend against mexico ends up hurting united states
The people on the porch quickly dispersed. Jordan says Oliver dragged her across the house to the bathroom and threw her into the tub, threatening to urinate on her: “I started screaming at him and the noise I was making concerned him enough that he yanked me out of the tub and told me he wouldn’t if I shut up.
Remember, any hyper-comapntent female in a gemnre story is a Mary Sue, but any hyper-comaptent male is just, you know, part of the universe.
Really digging this in a big way. I can’t wait to get home from work to watch this but really loved the third episode.
Regardless of what happened afterwards, by displaying tongue technique like that Puig is unlikely to ever be stranded at third again.
The fact that she keeps RT that sycophant Maggie Haberman on twitter says it all.
Your point is well-taken, but I think it’s shameful that white America has ever thought that the FBI was NOT a well-armed, well-funded army of corrupt, fascist murderers. Thousands upon thousands of innocent people have been murdered by FBI agents or their proxies. There’s no recovering from this.
New York Magazine’s Washington Correspondent and frequent Chris Hayes guest, Olivia Nuzzi, has some weird affinity for Yiannopolous, Sunderland, and Ann Coulter.
Just because she wasn’t on that specific email chain (this article never claims she was) doesn’t mean that she has a boat load of tweets being chummy with that crew. She literally has tweets talking to/about nero positively.
I must have missed the court order appointing her as his attorney.