Brosef Stalin

Looks like the ice cream comes in Coldstone Creamery sizes: Like It, Love It, Ngata Have It

Coach: Michael Vick?

Michael, I have an ironclad new business plan for you.

If there's one law domain less governed by logic than bird law, it's console naming.

This brings a whole new meaning to "razor-thin offside decision."

This is a great example of how even people who don't use burner accounts can still be bigots. A great many things about our lives can be omitted when writing or commenting on the Internet, but it's not our job to question ourselves about how other people (like, say, someone who is uncomfortable with transgender people

Norris Cole: Cut flat-topped, caught flat-footed.

What did the five fingers say to the face?


D means "Disaster Relief," right? Right?

God, Shane Robinson's hand is undaunted. So willing to upset the status quo.

Isn't part of "TheGame" the boundaries thereof, Bryce?

A doubly sad day for everyone involved: Poochie died on the way back to his home planet, too.

We call that "The Relegation Zone."

+1 hit wonder

If Stella Tremblay is right about the bombings, doesn't this make him the false flag waver??!

You should see where the Minnesota baseball fan put her tattoos.

You're with me, Sweater.

Also worth noting, that's Chelsea's second all-time leading scorer laying it off for him. Classy work by Super Frank.

Ground Bud