Do you make a comfortable living?
Do you make a comfortable living?
"People won't be evil if they eat a sandwich"??? WTF ?? Did you even bother to google the actual lyrics?
Maddox finally got Photoshop.
exact same dock the article is warning against.
and Panerai too.
deep breath
In other words, here is a list of the iPad Mini versions.
wonderful for you. proves nothing.
When I say "Harvey Danger" I'll bet your mind immediately jumps to "Flagpole Sitta."
Just because a guy finds oil in his back yard and becomes rich, it doesn't make him a geologist. Zuck had an idea and is now rich. That does not make him a sociologist. Based on how Facebook has evolved in terms of features and changes since its inception, I'd say Zuck is mostly out of ideas. How he thinks he's…
Just another example of Apple shooting themselves in foot while simultaneously forgetting what got them to where they are today, all in the name of immediate bottom line monetary rewards.
My wife and I survived a 3500 mile free fall from NYC to England this past June. Luckily, we were surrounded by a winged aluminum tube. With snacks and movies.
She can have my stomach. Just be warned, it only likes mac and cheese, mashed potatoes an Shake Shack burgers. And it's big.
Where in the linked article does it confirm this is a glitch? Why does giz state it as fact? Do you guys have even a hint of a whiff of any respect for the concept of journalism?
Fitting title.
nothing says love like smooching in a cesspool of brown frothy foam.
These days? heh. Try all days.
Yep. -Jobs + Cook is also the reason there are less lines and buzz for new Apple products. Jobs the showman knew how to stir up the masses' tech lust, by keeping production batches smaller, letting the world drool over the latest gadget for a while before it was released outside the U.S. (This simultaneously made…
apparently wadah makes their own phone in their basement.