Ugh, guess I still have to audition to be un-grayed outside AV Club.
Ugh, guess I still have to audition to be un-grayed outside AV Club.
“Anyone who’s ever had a bad Subway sandwich”
I had to use Google to find this review. How is this better than the old site?
And I am. Carry on.
I’m not here to say how much I hate kinja (which I do), just to see if I’m out of the greys without having to pass a fucking audition first.
Angelfire, surely?
Oh fuck me, no. I couldn't bear the thought of not being good enough to be un-grayed at AV Club too.
Tragedy + Time and all that.
Unless they're shaped picture discs, I'm out.
Made me laugh. Goddam philistines on this thread…
I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that
I know I got a Marshall stiffy
I'd love to know the creative process that went into DJ Squall's beheading.
"Let's make it look like they fell forward because the chain broke."
"Good, but, how about they fall forward because the chain chewed through his neck?"
"You're a sick fuck, Noah."
I'm enjoying Varga too. Might be the fellow-Brit thing but I love the language he uses. 'Ave a cuppa!
You and me both :(
I feel this review is not going to sit well with the commentariat here, and for good reason.
I finished the season a few days ago, and I have no recollection of what happened (so, no spoilers in this post.)
I know, I Blue it.
Fox had a real problem with "quirky". When The Good Guys premiered, it was clear it was going to be canceled. To be fair, they did let the season air in full but it was clear they were told to change a lot of stuff at the mid-season break to a by-the-numbers procedural.
"My .02, that's all."