That's pretty much my experience. I've left a couple of comments on earlier episodes in the season just wondering what happened to the funny.
That's pretty much my experience. I've left a couple of comments on earlier episodes in the season just wondering what happened to the funny.
Quick capsule review of the season: Crap.
I'll bite (groan…)
The original Portal game. I'm usually fine with first-person gaming, but the motion in Portal left me feeling queasy. Portal 2 was fine though.
Wish I'd known ahead of this season that Adam Reed was doing a straight noir instead of a comedy noir.
Don't feel too bad, I thought it meant Aliens vs Creditors, that terrible movie about aliens being chased down by debt collectors.
I gave up trying to get people into Justified. All they knew is they'd seen the ads of a guy in a cowboy hat and it was forever a western to them.
Same here. I posted a few weeks back that it's just not as funny as previous seasons. While last weeks episode had one of the best payoffs in the shows history, this season has been a big ol' let-down.
Night off after Saul? You heathen for not watching The Americans!
It figuratively pains me to say this, but - power through it - where's the funny?
Pre-suck my genital situation!
Sufficient springs!
This is how I've always seen it. The set up when McClane arrives and is made to go through the process of finding which floor the party is on when that's the only floor that has anything going on, seemed like needless padding.