Simon Woods

I don’t think any such thing. Please don’t attribute opinions to me that I don’t hold. My issue with this article is the same issue I’ve had with most of their articles for the last several years—namely, that they are so focused on putting forward narratives that are politically popular with their readership that they

The decision to cast Chase was 100% justified by his performance in the Dungeons and Dragons episode alone. After that, he could have simply disappeared and the show wouldn’t have missed a step.

Lol. Very refreshing to see somebody come in with a valid critique of the MeToo movement. I’m a woman with my own share of uncomfortable experiences and I quickly grew fatigued and, sometimes, annoyed by the tenor of MeToo conversations. Nuance matters and it seems that it was almost immediately declared anathema to

You should do a podcast then. I have a feeling most of the people saying this have fewer screws in their head than rogan.

Starting to think people who hate this show just hate joy.

It’s the AV Club: we all know they give zero shits about writers and writing. I mean, look at *gestures broadly at site*

Please stop trying to justify her completely insensitive, Joey Tribiani-esque comments.

The only thing that’s lost its way here is the quality of the reviewers on this site. Truly the bottom of the barrel here.

I feel like some people here are trying to take sides on this as if there’s no way for this actor to live in the tension of both loving his personal experience working on the movie and hating the tragedy and its aftermath. Seeing this through to the end does make sense both economically as some have pointed out and

In fairness the algorithm writes better than Barsanti. 


You know it’s gonna be an all-timer when none of the writers want to attach their name to the article 

It’s almost like the writers for this site are unfunny, untalented hacks. 

I saw him live a few weeks ago. A massive detail the AVClub is selectively leaving out, to maximize the outrage you’re supposed to feel, is that he’s pointing out that she cheated on him by sleeping with their teenage son’s friend, and then they took interviews about it as a family. The joke is Will Smith had to sit

I’m not sure this article needed to end with,With any luck, this dismal project will never see the light of day.” I’m sure there’s dozens and dozens of hard-working crew members pouring themselves into this production that would rather have it released than thrown on the scrap heap.

This is an intelligent take.

1. Enjoy a show about nothing

Did anyone tell him that is not how you make a movie.  Unbreakable is a movie that goes from pretty great to terrible in one splash screen full of text.    Then we got Split and it was like “Maybe he is gonna redeem this all in the end”.   Then he opened our mouths and took a giant shit in it and said “This is my

While I wouldn’t call Captain Phillips his best role, the medical bay scene at the end of the film is far and away Hanks’s best work.