Yeah, rehabilitation is bad! Once people admit to doing bad things, they should never do anything again! They should just become online accountants, and never leave their homes, ever!
Yeah, rehabilitation is bad! Once people admit to doing bad things, they should never do anything again! They should just become online accountants, and never leave their homes, ever!
How is they still getting work?
And Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023 despite all the internet crybullies demanding a boycott. NORMAL PEOPLE DON’T CARE ABOUT ROWLING’S POLITICS.
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole season, but for me, episode six is where things really kick up several notches and it maintains through the next two episodes. It’s no coincidence that episode six is the one I immediately started raving about to anyone who would listen, given it’s the episode where they really just sit…
Your opinions are wrong and you should feel bad.
I’ll take The Motion Picture over The Final Frontier every day of the week.
DS9 violated a bunch of Gene Roddenberry rules (no religion, no wars, no inter-personal conflict) and is the best Star Trek there is.
Yep. Elmo is a glory stealing asshole.
“won’t someone PLEASE think of the children!!!!” go clutch your pearls elsewhere ma’am
“Strangely, Bidegain also makes note of how concerned Gyllenhaal was about catching COVID in 2021—when the trip occurred—and mocked the actor for refusing to take off his mask, arguing the virus wasn’t an issue in Iceland.”
Bring back Justin Lin and don’t let JJ anywhere near anything but the checkbook.
“lower decks” is already an “outright comedy” in Star Trek....with extremely mixed results.
I mean, we all did that with Rhodey, didn’t we? Worked like a charm.
It’s going to take a lot of work to convince me this is anything but REALLY dumb.
Shame they cut Chris, who I think is such a stark contrast to his brothers. He wanted so badly to be the star that his dad wanted, but his physical limitations were too great, and that disappointment (and drugs, there’s always drugs in this family’s stories) led to him killing himself. The other Von Erichs had all the…
Haven’t seen a post this annoyed with basic math in a few years.
Because the movie that made 44 million dollars in its opening weekend also cost less than half as much to produce as The Marvels. I pointed it out last week too; if The Marvels had cost a fraction to make of what it ultimately did, people wouldn’t have called it a failure (although having the second lowest opening…
The Marvels only made *ten million* in its second week? It’s hard to believe this is the same MCU that once bestrode the narrow world like a colossus.
I’m all for “girl power.” I want this movie to succeed. Maybe it has one of Marvel’s great space villains. No? Was Annihilus busy? Now I’m hearing that it has two musical numbers shoehorned in. Weak villain and musical numbers? This movie will have to succeed without me.