Simon Woods

That’s the history of every country on Earth, including the countries the West bought slaves from. And it’s not the politicians who’ll be parting with their money, it’s everyone; including freelance TV critics.

Yes how dare he choose to make money to pad out his retirement and keep his from want, rather then suffer for his ART

that happened after he said “shit”, chronology people.

SO edgy, SO shocking, to make a joke about someone with alopecia.  Oh wait...alopecia is the main cause of hair loss for people across the globe...and dudes get made fun of it all day every day and nobody gives a shit...and its not an illness...  Is it mean?  Sure.  Does it warrant *literally assaulting someone*?  No,

Remember when the AVClub bought this ridiculous story hook line and sinker?   Then they got all mad at Chappelle because he showed how stupid they were?  Remember that?  

Yeah, he’s straightforwardly describing a character that’s not Bruce Wayne/Batman.

City of Lost Children, for me, but otherwise, same!

I’m a Star Wars heretic…. I love the IP, but most of the movies are garbage. I’d say that Solo, while not breaking any new ground, is better than any of the prequels, any of the sequels (Ep. 7-9), better than Return if the Jedi.  I’d only put it behind New Hope, ESB, and Rogue One.  I’m still not saying it’s a great

at least meryl streep wasn’t nominated for her acting

A good time to remember that the Oscars very rarely actually reward the movies that will stand the test of time, after all how can they when they completely ignore whole genres, and moments like Parasite’s win are rare.

Softsack above nailed you on the head. Maybe stay in your line and stay out of it. Note how I’m only hear to mock you, because...well you’re just sad and pathetic.

No where did he say only people from NYC speak this way, nor did he say that everyone in NYC talks this way.

Her manner of speaking is not cultural appropriation. Reason being is that her “dialect” is not one that is specific to one “culture” or race. Blacks are NOT the only ones that speak like this nor do they have the right to claim “rights” to a certain dialect. Her dialect is that of lower economic neighborhoods in NYC.

I mean, I suppose completely staying out of an intracommunity dispute that has nothing to do with you is out of the question.

staying out of an intracommunity dispute that has nothing to do with you is out of the question.”

The first half of season 1 was definitely more McFarlane humor than Star Trek but by Season 2, I felt he struck a good balance between a faithful homage to TNG with some conservatively injected humor throughout. I hope this new season/iteration managed to continue that balance.

It’s such a bonkers world where we have multiple new Star Trek shows and yet a Seth MacFarlane show is the only one that actually feels like Star Trek.

Then why bring it up?

No, I posted in response to something he said about me. I just had to post it as a separate comment instead of a reply, because Laserface is a coward who will dismiss any replies that might challenge his limited world view.

I have never listened to his podcast but from my understanding he had a Dr. on that has some questionable Covid views. But he also had Sanjay Gupta on so he is obviously not closed off to providing all types of information.