McChiken116 - Patrick H.

Oh weird. I drive by there every now and then. Looked at the new CTS not all that long ago

Alan, beautiful piece and amazing pictures.

I mean, how long until dailmer just straight up buys them out?

Roadkill is what makes me want to con my way into the industry. Give me money to fuck around with cars plz

am I the only one tickled that one of the dudes is Jafar?

ah shit, this is my neck of the woods. Surprised I didn't see this sooner.

Raphe, for calling this out, you'll now have kimmel set your car on fire. This is how Jalopnik works now right?

Some bitchin jumps would help.

I need this car in my life.

Yeah, good luck with the "Defective and dangerous when used normally" thing. Idiots

The Honda F20 that powered the first gen S2000. Redlined at 9, 240 BHP out of two liters, all naturally aspirated. All in a nice little roadster that is Japanese love letter to performance driving. Rev happy little motor mated only to manual transmissions.

As someone who goes to that park, and has ridden that train, it's kinda not surprising this all happened

This is insane. Worried for my favorite team, but I don't like whitmarsh, so no biggy

You missed an oppritunity. Maximum Photobob

So glad we got the E46 for less than that. My dad and I have been enjoying his M3 with SMG. It has miles, but everything still runs great. I do want to try the Fiesta though

Pulling for him.

1M, and E46 M3. The 1m because it's perfect and lovely, and the E46 because... Bias I assume

S2000 with snow tires! What's snap oversteer? :P

Electric steering is great on the whole. My 2003(!) S2000's steering is excellent and it has feel.

Is Christmas just a frame of mind to the BBC?