
I’m deeply, deeply disappointed in RTD for this decision. Essentially, he decided it was more important to pander to bigots than to trust in the intelligence of Doctor Who fans. He *trusted his audience* when he revived Doctor Who in 2005, but here, as he retakes the reigns, he can’t be bothered to give us the same

I am rooting for it to become the 1st! Go Bitcoin! To the Moon and back!

I wish I was a better person, one incapable of feeling schadenfreude.

Didn’t think the FTX saga could get any worse? Well, it just did. Wayyyyy worse.”


I’ve just never seen such a monumental fuck-up. Watching Elon take over Twitter has been like watching a rich idiot walk into a Ferrari dealership, buy the most expensive car in the showroom, and confidently drive the car straight into a dynamite factory.

This is what happens when you hand a hypersensitive and unpredictable bag of meat billions and billions of dollars.

Throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks doesn’t work well when you’re slinging nothing but diarrhea, Elon.

Disruption works as a strategy when it’s other peoples buisness model that you’re disrupting. When you’re disrupting your own business model, that’s called flailing.

Should have been a moving truck. 

I am firmly in the camp that these guys did not exist before last week and the whole internet is currently trying to gaslight me into thinking they have always been a thing everyone has known about.

Hmm... a website pushing videos on its users, even though it’s pretty obvious the users don’t want video content. Curious, that.

You know what else nobody is watching? The short videos you guys are making about how nobody is watching short videos.

$hitting on a Meta pushing short form video on users when no one asked for it in a short form video that no one meta. These Gizmodo hot take videos are the worst trend that G/O has pushed down the public’s throat. I didn’t think it would be possible to top the Kinja comment system or slideshow format, but

The irony of this being a video, which I also won’t watch. Please can we pivot back to text?

Kind of like videos on Gizmodo.

And you made this a fucking video?!

Citizen Kane wasn’t a commercially successful movie. Vertigo wasn’t a success either. Wizard of Oz was a flop, too. But they’re considered by many critics to be among the greatest movies ever made. They’ve always been available on video. People still watch them every year, in many cases for the first time. That’s

Why are these recaps videos? Is there a mandate to include more video content or something? Because I’m pretty sure it’s having the opposite effect that higher ups might think, if so.

Can you imagine if Hillary had done this?