
Dear Herb,

The absolute fucking worst is when you and your partner are struggling with infertility, and you end up on some fucking pregnancy listserv.

They’re only hit pieces if you’re not actually doing the piece of shit stuff that they say you’re doing. You can not be an absolute twat of a human being and then bitch when journalist report what a twat you are. Musk has earned every shitty thing written about him.

Reporting on things a person does and says aren’t hit pieces.

about damned time he pulls out of something...

“What can be done about the MCU at this point?”

What is this article. I don’t understand this complaint.

One problem with crypto is the power required to create.  Not enough power to create crypto and power electric cars. New Federal rules will make gas furnace replacement expensive. Current gas furnace owners will likely switch to electric furnaces further straining the electrical grid. 

Bill Gates is a smart guy that’s done a lot of good with his money, dunno why so many people hate him.

I had a Aunt that used to run a boutique department store during the Beanie Baby boom thing. I was in College I think at the time.. Anyway, her store used to sell these things like they were being traded on the stock market. They had a big board up that listed the value of different ones, and would have lines out the

Just want to point out that some of this is misleading

“This myth of the “Good Guy with a Gun”

Coming from a country with strong gun control (Australia), I have to disagree with some of this. The “criminals will get guns whether they’re illegal or not” argument may be true, but strong gun control reduces the availability of guns, the culture of acceptability around guns, and the immediate response of the

Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them

I’m just a little baffled why people ask actors to explain the actions of their characters then critique them for weak answers.

The reason why is ‘Because the writers said so’. The actors can try to find motivation within a script but it’s not their place to try and reconcile the whole thing. 

Dr. Strange was always arrogant and never listened when told “this spell is too dangerous” So I think it makes good sense.

“crispy” is not what I’m looking for in chocolate. Thanks, though.

Chocolate is a great example of this, as its snap and crackle ... is a big part of its appeal.

I have never once thought “man, I wish this chocolate was crispier”

Did anyone else think that kiss was hella awkward?  Like, is Steven a bad kisser? Was Layla not feeling it after his comment about Marc?  I definitely cringed.