
All this means to me is that I’ll be using my downloader a lot more often.

Real easy.  If I can’t watch ad-less youtube, I’ll stop watching youtube.  I urge you to do the same.

I am fine with a skip after 6 seconds, but I 100% will never site through a 30 second add to see if I want to watch something. Ever. 

Every day I wake up hoping to open the news and see he stroked out and was found face down in his own dirty diaper and every day I’m disappointed. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.

Jeffery Wright is always a solid choice.

I don’t know much about this Hemsworth’s acting abilities but as long as the story for the new season is entertaining, I don’t see what the big deal is about the recasting. Kids these days are spoiled (how do you do, fellow kids)! They should just take the old soap opera approach in the new episode: The part of Geralt

Oh thank goodness.

the nation that nearly had to be cancelled because of half of Janet Jackson’s left nipple must be protected from outright filth like Bluey! What if it distracted children from shooting their teachers?  Won’t someone think of the children??

You’re wrong, and here’s why.

As a fellow Scotsman it’s at times like this I feel very proud of my wee country for producing actors like McAvoy. He kills it in everything he does.

Bold of you to assume that any of these idiots would want to visit a library.

I forget where I saw it but they’re Alpha” like software is alpha; unstable, prone to bugging out, and not ready for public consumption.

If you believed this was real, you haven’t been paying attention to AI lately. Or applied critical thinking/baking skills - how would you even make this?

I fail to see the problem. 

What a great way to get me to only subscribe to your streaming service twice a year for one to two months.

Wealthy people who are stupid tend to get quieter when they have less money.

Holy hell, if i had 100 Billion (hell 100 Million), i would fuck off so hard. I would be a boon to my friends and family, and local businesses, but i would retire and live a comfortable but not ostentatious life.

Well just paid 44$ billion dollars for a thing. Lets take a look at the list of assets that give it value.

musk is so fucking stupid. Even his diehard cultists have been oddly quiet of late given everything going on.