
I agree. Personally I like Dark World the best of the Thor movies (Ragnarok’s humor is just a tad to much in my opinion, not enough to ruin it but enough to knock a few points off, I also didn’t like the killing and dismissal of the Warriors 3).

To be honest Thor 2 is my favorite of the 3 with Ragnarok a close second (just a tad too much humor in opinion......on the other it is also possibly the darkest of the 3 if not one of the darkest in the MCU).

Everybody hates on Thor 2, and I kinda get it... The dark elves sucked, but I liked pretty much everything else about it. There was a lot of fun humor throughout, which got crazy and hilarious in the final battle sequence. The Capt. America cameo in the middle was great, and Loki was as Loki-ish and unpredictable as

The chemistry between these two is a huge part of why Winter Soldier is the best Marvel movie.

I’m glad it’s not based on Weir’s book, Artemis. It was not very good at all. Project Hail Mary was a nice tick back up, though.

Being very bored, about a decade ago I read a book called “Taste What You’re Missing” which is written by a super-taster and Food scientist... and she wrote that one of the reasons artificial sweeteners taste wrong how it hits your tongue over time. I think natural sugars roll in with sweetness gradually over the

I don’t doubt that artifical sweeteners aren’t the greatest thing in the world, but this is always used as a “see, real sugar is better for you!” argument, as first world countries get fatter and fatter.

Back then yes. Now? Older Hugh Grant would be fantastic.

Aw man, and here I was hoping The Curse of Fatal Death was about to become canon.

In totally unrelated news, Bezos is building his new home in an active volcano, and he just bought a cat:

1. Open Wordle in Chrome
2. Press [ctrl]+S
3. save as “Webpage, Complete (.htm, .html)“
4. Open “Wordle - A daily word game.html” in Chrome

People with taste. Christopher McQuarrie is a top talent, and his previous entries (Rogue Nation and Fallout) are the high watermark for this sort of film. The stunts are gobsmacking. And as if that wasn’t enough, Hayley Atwell’s joining the cast for these next two.

Me. Fallout was fuckin’ awesome.

Perhaps you should have actually watched the film before judging the entire content and story solely based on runtime.

If you don’t know.......he has a podcast -

I will watch literally anything with Rhys Darby

Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo summed up crypto and NFTs perfectly by comparing them to the International Star Registry. Remember those guys? They’re still around. You mail them a couple of hundred bucks and in return they “name” a star for your spouse, loved ones, or pets. Except none of it has any authority.

Every time I read about crypto and NFT’s, I just want to yell at clouds.

Here’s an easier idea that doesn’t require any extensions or extra work:

Jesus...who needs 15 tabs open at once? Do whatever you’re gonna do on a particular site, then close the fucker...and so on and so forth.

same, we have a nice little independant theatre that isnt overpriced and lets you buy a can of beer, but nothing is as nice as being able to pee whenever I want and enable subtitles so I really don’t miss anything.