
Why cheat? The second paragraph:

One of things I like about Wordle is, why would you cheat at Wordle? It’s one game per day. There’s no grind, no advancement, no rankings, no speedruns. You just do the puzzle and move on. And if you’re even halfway decent at word games it doesn’t even really matter what words you start with because, as long as you

Anecdotally, every single person I know who is anti-mask mandates somehow ended up with Covid over the holidays. Its almost as if this attitude leads to people not taking the virus seriously and getting it and passing it on to more people.

Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

Instead of a virus, picture them as terrorists looking for places to hide. Would you stop locking your doors if terrorists were hiding in homes and cars and killing 1000 people a day? Would you object to a no-unlocked-doors mandate?

I think the reason so many of us aren’t really talking about climate change is because we’re fucking tired and hopeless. We’ve reached the point the characters reach in the final act - we’ve talked, we’ve advocated, we’ve “raised awareness,” we’ve supported politicians we thought would do something, and we’ve realized

I have been saying ,here in the greys ,I liked the whole mid credit scene ,it made me smile .

thats the thing about dinosaurs, you are always gladyousaurus.

You want to fix Doctor Who, how about spending some of that £40 million on hiring actual sci-fi authors? You know... People like China Miéville, Max Gladstone, and io9's own Charlie Jane Anders, who are not only big fans of the entire series but competent storytellers capable of constructing an original and coherent

Everyone with a lick of sense understands that crypto is a get-rich-quick scam for the people who founded it.


NFTs, not NFT’s

Hopefully Garrison can give himself the Herman Cain award soon.

I hope this becomes a self correcting problem very very soon.

anti-vaccine Facebook groups have been influencing members to not seek hospital treatment for covid-19 and even instructed them to pull their sick family members out of ICU”

Based on a very limited sample size (in my small social network ) I can see that. The biggest trolls posting Covid and climate change denial bullshit are also the biggest assholes in the group in real life.

I personally feel like the covid crisis has given us the best data ever on just how many people are raging, self entitled jerks. This is just more confirmation that we are beset on all sides by morons and a-holes.

I am personally totally fine with this. Let aging rock stars relive their glory days via deep faked videos, who cares? We’ve been letting actors get away with it for like a decade at this point.

To answer the question in the sub heading, and to flagrantly break Betteridge’s law: yes, this is cool.

Exactly did this writer watch the same show? He was not acting out of temptation or desire to rule he was acting out of heroic preservation thinking that maybe Kang was telling the truth and something worse would happen if they killed him. And yeah she Kissed Him he didn’t kiss her to get her to stop. This writer was