
Hey, real talk: how much longer is it going to be until we see a fix for direct comment linking? Because it’s been pretty well impossible to carry on a conversation in the comments for months at this point, since notifications can no longer bring you directly to the comment that replied to you.

You can always make your own website. The problem is that they want to be able to spew garbage into other people’s faces and don’t like being told to “fuck off”.

Since many of the Trumpies that have never read the constitution fervently and wrongly believed that deplatforming their God violated the First Amendment, I hope their heads are exploding at this correct application of that same law.

Loki taking over Asgard at the tailend of Thor: The Dark World was supposed to be this massively big threat that was quickly dismissed at the start of Thor: Ragnarok because it wasn’t the story Taika Waititi wanted to tell.”

I almost think I could just be completely satisfied with watching Tom Hiddleston describe anything in 1 minute bites on YT

Cheers to that!

As a confidently heterosexual male Loki still makes my ovaries pop.

The MCU is so lucky to have Tom Hiddleston. He has the ability to make just about anything interesting and fun, and to get to play a backstabbing “who, me?” chaotic evil character is wildly entertaining. I’m so glad he was brought back...

“Spy” is legitimately hilarious. 

I would certainly buy Bucky as gay or bisexual man if they choose to go that way. But the scenes referenced in this article for he and Sam were not even close to queerbaiting as I read it.

Literally any piece of art showing male friendship:

Yeah I’m in the same book. I’d love for us to reach a point where male characters being close and intimate to each other wouldn’t be divided solely into either ‘queer’ or ‘queer-baiting’ because that’s still playing into societal toxic masculinity that straight men couldn’t possibly be close and intimate with their

Man, this is a weird article. While I certainly never thought of Bucky and Steve together and the only dates or romantic interests we’ve ever seen him have were women, I would certainly buy Bucky as gay or bisexual man if they choose to go that way. But the scenes referenced in this article for he and Sam were not

And the show doesn’t stop there. There is still the way US government treated Isaiah Bradley. Bucky got pardoned for everything with just Steve’s backing but the man who protected Americans from him got nothing but abuse. All Bradley can have is being left alone while Bucky is recognised as an Avenger. At least

In many ways John Walker is a lot like Steve. He wants to help people and make the world better. He believes in the ideas of America and wants people to believe in them too. He wants to be the hope Steve was. He jumped on top of grenades. And he got really good at throwing that Shield fast (the way he saved

The only thing I want from this series is to never ever see Deb again in any way, shape or form.

Completely agree. I thought the ending was just fine. Per usual, was not even remotely surprised to see all the insane rage online after watching it. People expect waaaaay too much from final episodes of shows.

I am one of the few people who didn’t mind Dexter final fate as a lumberjack.  He really wasn’t that good of a person and I didn’t feel that he needed a happy ending.