
100% agree. There are other animators out there who don’t sexually harass women - or anyone for that matter - who would bring their A game if given such a chance.

I don’t get it. Is there nobody else qualified? Like, none? And I get Lassiter not wanting to do nothing at all, but it’s not like he needs the money. Or shouldn’t, anyway.

If you have to put, in a hiring contract, language about how someone won’t keep doing the bad thing they are known for doing....maybe that is a red flag.

If they’re playing it safe by talking about racial segregation, overtly slagging off Donald Trump and saying “Hey! Great Britain. Sit down, we’ve got to talk about that sh*t you did to India” then I cannot wait to see what happens when they cut loose.

the fuck is wrong with people

Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons will not take this well.

Honest answer: If you hear about someone being harassed to the point where they can no longer interact with others due to constant hate being flung at them, and your response is, “The real tragedy here is that I can’t complain anymore about a movie that sucks,” you are an asshole. Maybe not to the same degree as the

In the case of Villanelle, she was lucky enough to get a job doing what she loves.

I question your commitment to Lightning Motion.

you are quite right. Devastating is a vague enough word that doesn’t refer to any specific plot point or characters., and I would consider anybody planning to go into Avengers: Infinity War without the expectation of some devastation to be a bit of a Pollyanna. The film was marketed as a game changer and a

I’ll do you one better. Why’s Gamora!?

with my tongue as firmly in cheek as is Sean O’Neal’s* may i opine that a) the American pronunciation of any given word is a fine opinion, surely, but only an opinion, one that is valued or trivialized by the rest of your grammatical street cred— and may i say, in the US, you folk have a rat-c*nt’s worth of

Poor Jenny Slate. Catching a ton of crap for a perfectly valid pronunciation.

Chris Eccleston is turning into the Alan Moore of genre acting! It all sucks, everyone did it wrong, everyone did *him* wrong, no one understands his genius, he keeps going back to those gigs only for the paycheck, and won’t you nerds just leave him alone already.

I totally don’t like the idea of the BBC blacklisting him though, that’s totally not fair. I mean, he didn’t break a contract or anything.

Hs eccleston ever said anything good about the roles that he has done? I have only heard him whine about everything he’s worked on.

‘I had a horrible experience doing a movie of this type, so of course, i signed up for another one with a sizable paycheck, just to make sure.’

Maybe he should find another career? I feel like all Eccleston does is bitch and moan about the parts he’s taken.