
Contrariwise, most fellow fans I’ve talked with say they love Capaldi’s Doctor, but are disappointed with the dialogue, plots, and character development he’s been given. The consensus seems to be that he would make a truly stellar Doctor...if only he were given better material with which to work.

Criticize her character all you want, but get the details right. She’s not “sad because she can’t have Hulk’s babies,” and she doesn’t think she’s a monster because she can’t have babies. At least, not exclusively. She’s sad and says she’s a monster because of everything she did to be a more efficient killer.

“Given Black Widow’s “I’m sad I can’t have Hulk’s babies” thing from Age of Ultron maybe that’s for the best.”

3. This may save Hiddleston in the court of public opinion

She actually speaks pretty decent German ( and gets the tonal inflection right, to the hilt )

I’m not sure where you grew up but Walkmans were very, very popular where I did and there were a lot of kids walking around with them so I guess your last comment makes you feel like you made a really good point but you didn’t...

“it just feels like a culling of the herd”

Lack of engine noise has been an issue since headphones (portable) became a thing. So at this point, it just feels like a culling of the herd if you’re not paying attention.

You know what?

Good. Fuck clowns.

Great spoiler warning there. Really gave a lot of warning to what was coming. Thanks.



You’re an Asshole.

ScarJo and Jeremy Renner (the cardboards that they are) are two of the worst casting choices followed shortly but Mark Ruffalo

Bautista as Drax is pretty great.

Cap’s a harder role to play, really. Tony has all sorts of built in charm and swagger that you can build on to connect to the audience. He talks a lot, and he is expressive and emotive. Making him sympathetic is easy. I think it’s why they tank him so hard in Civil War. To make Cap be as sympathetic (and keep him from

What are the other candidates out there for actors who best casting of a comic character. Because I would argue that Evan’s portrayal of Cap even surpasses Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark, who is massively entertaining, don’t get me wrong. It’s just Evans is SOOO perfectly Steve Rogers.

I’m not going to lie: the loss of Jane meaning the probable loss of Darcy the worst part of Natalie Portman leaving.

I would watch a Darcy movie. That is all.