
I was thinking Jamie Murry.

Hela and Valkyrie = badass.

He looks less Norse alien-god and more Roman soldier. It’s the beard that keeps him from going full Maximus Musclemus.

I think it depends on your perspective of what Melanie represents at the end of the book. I didn’t think of her as killing humanity, but transforming it. And the one that would be guiding these survivors—the connector or template of those parts of humanity that will be embedded in the new world—was represented by a

Complaining about virtue signalling is basically how shitty people advertise to the world that they don’t believe anyone who attempts to do or say something that isn’t shitty could possibly be genuine. They’re shitty, and somehow believe that they’re also better than everyone else, so positive actions are really just

Is virtue signalling the new buzzphrase in Dumbfuckistan?

What’s it like going through life angry about everything? Seems like it must be exhausting.

You’re a fucking idiot. There’s a difference between only being able to identify with certain racial characters, and being presented with NO CHOICES that look like you in any remote way in culture or race. The very lack of options is itself a message to children.

In a mystical fantasy land of racial equality, where flowers bloom and everybody is treated with dignity and respect, maybe white-washing wouldn’t matter. But we live in America, which is racist. I.e., the real world. In that context, when you are set apart from your peers by your race, and you are removed and

If you actually believed that comedy was subjective, you wouldn’t have used such a incendiary, declarative statement in your original post. Now that you’ve been rightfully massacred, you want to play that card. Good luck with that.

I know that what you are saying is technically an opinion, but on behalf of the internet, I’m here to tell you that it is wrong.

Oh my god- Thor gets him a B-day cake that says “VERILY! IT’S THY BIRTHDAY!”

Small thing: ‘horde’ and ‘hoard’ are not the same word.


“and horde the apples for itself.”

Said pretty much this, above. This film wouldn’t have been greenlit without a name. Getting movies funded with female leads - especially action or sci-fi movies with female leads - is HARD in this town. There’s no alternative reality in which this big-budget genre flick was getting made with a lesser-known actress of

I agree in the abstract, but the reality of how movies get made in Hollywood runs against this, and it’s not in Johannson’s power to change. It’s likely that this movie wouldn’t get made at all without a ‘name’ actress (consider the fact that Marvel likely won’t make a Black Widow movie, even *with* her name.) The

have it happen off screen, and have the first part of the new season be several people as potential Doctors, but not sure who’s real, whose lieing, and who is confused.

I think the Dr Who Producers would have made a huge mistake...

A Wizard of Earthsea. If you like that there’s more, if not then you’re done.