Hi Kelsie - I’m a Tigers fan, and I feel like they have repeatedly kicked me in the balls this past season. Does that qualify?
Hi Kelsie - I’m a Tigers fan, and I feel like they have repeatedly kicked me in the balls this past season. Does that qualify?
I figure that about 25%-30% are the hardcore Trump supporters who really believe in his agenda and the other 15% are people whose lives are generally going well and don’t much care for politics or the news.
Why shouldn’t Congress play the impeachment out? They can debate on more than one thing at once.
42% approval rating. I see it all the time but I can never quite wrap my brain around it.
wow, happy son’s day to me (a son)
Straight* white christian male used as a token. Kills me every time I think about it.
The problem is that Mike Pence is a joke. Everybody knows that except Mike Pence. He has zero charisma and was pretty much on the ticket to court the evangelical vote.
Thank you for this. Came here to post this exactly. When is the IRS going to investigate him for political biased actions that tax exempt churches are not allowed to participate in?!
Fun fact: If you look for long enough through the papers of President Andrew Johnson you’ll find a bizarre interview with one of the partisan newspapers of the day, right after inquiries about him began. In that interview he threatened to usher in a second Civil War to defend himself against Congress.
Tax every church.
End their exempt status.
You’d think fundamentalists would be more excited at the prospect of Mike Pence as President. All the malice, sexism, racism and dominist worldview, but with 75% less incoherent rambling and none of the “hush money to strippers to hide affairs” messiness.
Hey look! Another thing that will cause the right wing to start a war. Just like Obama getting elected was going to start a civil war. And Obama getting re-elected was going to start a race war. And I’m pretty sure someone on Fox News claimed that just authorizing the Mueller investigation was enough to start a civil…
“I’m afraid it will cause a Civil War-like fracture in this nation from which this country will never heal,”
Trump threatens Civil War. WTF is going on? This is insanity beyond belief! REMOVE HIM!
“I don't pretend to speak for all evangelicals - just the white ones."
Serious question: Is there any evidence of Trump ever attending a non-holiday Sunday service in his entire life?
One thing I seriously don’t get about Trump suppourters is they act like if Trump isn’t President, America will go to shit (though we all know it would be far better without him). So say he gets a 2nd term. What do they think would happen after that term was over? He couldn’t run again.
“Jeffress told Fox & Friends Sunday co-host Jedediah Bila...”