A friend of mine this past weekend was hit in the face by a wild warm-up pitch at Fenway before the game began. It’s not a foul ball so maybe you wouldn’t be interested in his story but he did get to visit the team doctor.
A friend of mine this past weekend was hit in the face by a wild warm-up pitch at Fenway before the game began. It’s not a foul ball so maybe you wouldn’t be interested in his story but he did get to visit the team doctor.
Oh, my money was on the Cowboys. I’ll have to reconsider my wager now because you may have convinced me.
I’m trying to think of any circumstance where it could be considered acceptable. Hell, I was cast as a Shark in a production of West Side Story in Barre, Vermont because it was Vermont in the early 1990s and I’m still feeling a sense of shame about that.
He’s last-player-in-the-NFL-to-have-tackled-Hershel-Walker old.
Ben: Fathead is *huge*
With the cup of tea next to it I’m pretty sure he’s referencing the Kermit meme. #notallfrogs
Appropriate considering the origin of that chant. It pained us Celtics fans to root for the 76ers but it was better than rooting for the Lakers.
The amount of truth in what you say causes me way more pain than I will ever care to admit even to my cat.
Where’s the Yakety Sax version?
See, this is why I have an account here. Take my +1
Crap! I was only the 68th to give you a star.
Damn! I off to listen to more Laurie Anderson. Been way too long since I’ve appreciated her music.
While reading the books I kept imagining them as movies but then realized it would be impossible to capture this story in a movie or even in a series of movies. It seemed obvious that a TV series would be the only way to go.
I just finished reading them in English and there may have been things lost in the translation (e.g. it wasn’t completely obvious to me what Geralt’s last wish was when I first read that story) but for the most part I thought the translations were excellent. There were many times I was nearly emotionally overwhelmed…
I showed up here today just to get my fill of the sweet, sweet Magary tears. Delicious.
I listened to this interview this morning and thought “So ‘dyke’ is cool to use because some lesbians use that word? I wonder how well he interacts with African Americans.”
Damn. I spent half the day playing sax but since I just moved my Omnibook is still tucked away in a box. Oh well. I’ll just share the Parker tune with perhaps my favorite solo of his: