
He’s great in pretty much everything (even those Navy commercials), but Mary came out the year before Requiem, although obviously a lot more people have seen the former than the latter.

Nope, Bill Cosby is very real.

I like to think a new generation — or maybe an older generation’s younger siblings — became acquainted with him as the “Is it the frank or the beans?” dad from “There’s Something About Mary.”

Hey now, she’s graduated since she won that Oscar! But I definitely did a “Oh hey, I know her from Hot Fuzz!” when she was in the middle of her speech.  

It astounds me that, even though I don’t know any of these people, one trip to Wiki assures me that I definitely do.  Next thing, probably, I’ll realize that all these song titles people bandy about, I actually know the melody.

I’d put David Morse third behind Keith David and William Fichtner, and I’d probably slide in Olivia Colman if we weren’t just talking about dudes. But still, a solid list of “hey it’s THAT GUY” guys in movies.

Right behind William Fichtner and right in front of Keith David

I know who David Morse is!! David Morse is my 2nd favorite, “hey it’s THAT GUY” guy in movies.   Right behind William Fichtner and right in front of Keith David

They worship gas station food.

I’ve seen bigger

your new bosses know what drives engagement

Better than the other hat in his locker.

This makes him look like a goddamned serial killer

I remember when she said that poor people should be imprisoned and separated from their families rather than given a chance at a better life too. She was a spiteful bitch.

To quote Mother Theresa, “And when you’re a living saint, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ‘em by the pussy. You can do anything.” 

Not going to lie, I’m just refreshing Splinter over and over waiting for the David Koch article

I too remember the time Mother Teresa fucked a pornstar. 

What are you talking about?! Biden has said he’ll rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and push a cap and trade bill! Those are great ideas... for 1997.