Dear god that is an amazing picture. It makes me feel strangely patriotic actually.
Dear god that is an amazing picture. It makes me feel strangely patriotic actually.
The fucking Washington Generals have lost by less to the Globetrotters.
For a split second I thought that was Ike Turner.
Because if the kid trips and falls or get’s kidnapped the store will be sued out of business.
You get a star for not being a deuchebag!
This is the only real source of true ninja knowledge.
I know this probably makes me a crap Star Wars fan, but I never knew that little pancake faced guy was named Nein Nunb. Thanks Drew!
At this point, I pretty much fast forward through most of Raw and Smackdown just to see the New Day stuff. Those guys have taken a gimmick that should have been awful, and made gold out of it. They’re just having soooo much fun, and it shows. Just look at Woods with the trombone, is he good at it? Hell no, but he…
Oh please, every form has plenty of room for Ramenczynscjski-Jalakultskimehnterczyk.
There’s a fucking Draft Kings bus in Chicago now.
To truly be a conspiracy theory, this needs to be redone in MS Paint with a bunch of red text and arrows.
But how well does it work on farts with the windows up?
Try the new Mini Gigantor, Mini Medium Size 4 Door Saloon, Mini Actually Small, Micro Penis, and Mini Roobber, to compensate for the Cooper.
I’m picturing this like a dramatic movie, the dog presses up against the fence, hurting, getting shocked, but he has to get somewhere. He pushes more, the fence begins to bend. Feeling close to freedom, he gives it every last bit of effort, sparks start shooting everywhere, a choir sings in the background, the sky is…
The infield was tarped and fenced off, nobody was allowed to sit or walk there. I was at the show. Maybe he’s just looking for excuses as to why the Cubs continue to suck.
Hey man, you’re doing investigative journalimism stuff here. Lots of big companies have been taken down by investigative journalimism stuff. Don’t sell your efforts short.
Is ... is that Leapin Lanny fucking Poffo?
I too have owned an inflatable Ben Wallace. It took nearly an hour to blow him up, left me dizzy, and he nearly immediately sprung a leak.
Seriously though, fuck Gabriel.