
Meatwad is more natural than whatever Subway puts in their roast beef.

Kyle, can you just do all the Apple coverage for all Gawker sites from now on? This is the only article I’ve seen today that isn’t trying to fellate Apple for showing the world a hundred dollar pencil.

Well said, so much promise wasted.

There is no way in hell that anything with the Battle Chasers name will release in a timely manner, if at all. I love that the kickstarter promises that issue 10 will be released with the game. I was one of the 60,000 people that preordered issue 10 back when it was first announced, in 2001, according to wikipedia.

I lived in Indianapolis for a year and a half. I like to say it was the closest thing I can think of to being in a coma. I’ve been to the South, been to Texas, Indianapolis can out redneck them all. God what a racist ignorant dump.

To be fair, Billy Gun looks way to stupid to be a terribly person. Can you be a terrible person if you have the personality of plasterboard?

Very good point, true crazies can’t read something unless it’s in ALL CAPS.

Exactly, today we’ll just drone bomb the hell out of people.

I really appreciate Zodiac Motherfucker’s method of keeping time. Pre-Freejack and Post-Freejack. Everyone should be thankful we live in a post-Freejack world.

Is the government suppressing his freedom of speech? That’s the only thing covered by the First Amendment. There’s nothing preventing your employer from firing you if you say stupid things on social media.

Thank you, that’s the first thing I thought of also.

Can Gawker organize a youtube debate between Deez Nuts and Limberbutt McCubbins? I seriously want to see a debate between a 15 year old and a cat.

I work it, when I get notifications at night that means shit is broke, I don’t have the luxury of turning them off. How bout you just be a bit more considerate to your friends?

This made me laugh out loud. Thank you.

Please get Spilly.

Fjord life

If you have Google Analytics on your site you can narrow things down to a time frame and see where the referring traffic is coming from. Looking at the source you do have it running, but don’t know if you have access. Yes, I’m a web developer.

I got better.

The cooler, dear god the cooler is killing me.

There are two groups that love tassles on bikes, 9 year old girls and Harley drivers.