
Are you sure about this? I thought that this was the facility that George Bush had built to burn money.

I don't really care that the two North American operators aren't compatible with each other. I do care a great deal about being compatible with Canadian, European, and Asian LTE frequencies... so I look to my handset providers to deliver the right multi-band devices and I look to the hacker community to give me

Don't forget monitors that display text at 110 baud and make a teletype sound. That one always drives me crazy.

How about if we retire that 1/5 of the navy and bank the savings? That still leaves us with more than enough naval power to deal with the best that the Somalian navy has to throw at us. If it comes to a major conflict with Russia or China, 1/5 of the navy––even 1/2 of the navy––isn't going to matter.

"I'm normally not a fan of Tablets, as they can't do more than my dump phone,..."

The Buran was a cheap copy of the US Space shuttle, with a few tweaks to make it more able to leverage other Russian Aerospace assets. Anyone who believes that the Buran might have been more effective or reliable than the US Space Shuttle needs to review the history of the Tupolev, an obvious copy of the Concorde.

You realize the equator is the mid-point of the planet, right? If you go 'past' it, the water temperature doesn't keep rising, it cools as you progress towards the south pole.

IT personnel are administrators, not developers.

MORE accurate, in my opinion.

No, this is not for Blade Runner... this is for the Matrix. It's a mobile phone booth.

I hear Seal Team 6 is getting ready to kick some Lulz asses!

Before you pontificate on what is impressive or not, educate yourself on the difference between meteors and meteorites.

It isn't stuck. He's cutting the ice away from a forward hatch so people and equipment can enter and exit more easily.

To borrow a phrase from Stephen Hawking, "Software patents are for developers who are afraid of the dark."

"The only thing the Air might beat it out on is display panel and possible Lightpeak integration."

Agreed. Could they have said anything more stupid? Whoever said that should be fired.

"That is, if you're one of those who can stand watching NASCAR for more than ten seconds. "

This app is for losers who follow the crowd, not for people who are looking for good music. There should be a special pink iPhone for the pussies who use this app.

WHO ELECTS THESE MORONS? The congressman is not the root of the problem. The idiots who elected him are the problem. Please can we start calling out these people (dummies) as the problem?

Catholic and Muslim religious leaders pay no mind to conflicts that can only claim 10s or 100s of thousands of casualties. Until you've killed millions or 10s of millions in the name of your god, you're still in the minor leagues.