
... and a man who was a member of the 'Young Nazis' or whatever it was called in his youth.

The new application 'Color' will be perfect for sharing photos at weddings using your own SmartPhones. Other than that, I can 't think of why I'd use Color.

People: Buy a SlingBox and connect it to your cable or satellite box. Then use the SlingPlayer app on your PC or mobile devices for high-quality streaming of your entire line-up. It's a little expensive to get started, but once you have the SlingBox and apps, it's free from that point on. I've already forgotten

I use SlingPlayer to stream ALL of my cable channels to my iPad and iPhone. The Time Warner app is crap in comparison.

In other words, this F-15 died of natural causes.

The only thing that Steve Jobs may have helped kill is the scam of selling albums or CDs that had one or two tracks that were good and a lot of self-indulgent musical crap. Now, people can pay for what they like and pass on the crap.

Building nuclear energy plants in earthquake zones makes about as much sense as building New Orleans on a flood plain in a hurricane zone. The question isn't 'if', it's 'when'.

I think it will make the mogul runs a lot more challenging.

Ideas for websites are next to worthless. Execution is everything. Their great 'idea' was Prior Art being implemented by Friendster and MySpace. The 'idea' isn't what made Facebook huge, it was go-to-market implementation and design evolution, neither of which the Winkeltossers were a part of. They've already been

I won't pay. Looks like Skype is doing other video services a favor by pushing the Skype user base to look for other alternatives.

@Tetsuooooooo: Netflix' distribution model includes more than streaming. Their disk-by-mail service is part of what makes Netflix popular.

I stopped reading when you wrote this about Netflix: " its movie selection is unparalleled". You lost credibility at that point. I doubt you use Netflix.

@MegaShark: Ha ha ha... my thought exactly. Also, watch for Monster to come out with a $129.99 version!

@minibeardeath: I only fly first class. Southwest is for cattle.

A year ago I would have passionately disagreed with you on the value of a Win7 tablet. Apple convinced me otherwise by helping me to understand how a tablet fits into my personal device ecosystem. I don't want a tablet that is trying to be a PC, nor do I want a PC that is trying to be a tablet. I have a Mac that is

Vizio are a solid member of the mid-tier TV club (but priced better than their peers). Vizio is not Pioneer (RIP) or high-end Sony, but Vizio can stand their ground against Samsung and LG.

Yawn. Way too slow.

Meh. Two out of three mainstream stations I listen to in Dallas are not available.