
Canceling was likely just because so many devs backed out to the point it wasn't worth doing the event. Most of their prolific games noped right out of the venue just to protect themselves so canceling the event protects the relationship they have with the few partners they have left. 

Lmao you summed up my reaction better than I could have

1) Yeah, that can happens.

New Metroid looks great

This will be the fourth time I’ve bought it. Picked it up when it first came out here in Japan, and loved it so much I bought the Murica version after that. Did the same for Royale w/ Cheese versions as well. Got the JPN ver of Scramble as well and will do the same with the USA version again.

One might say this entry

When they go low we go high’ doesn’t work anymore, ICYMI. Let’s go back to conducting ourselves like grownups when grownups are in charge again.

This is going to be hardest on Bristol, Track, Twig, Smock, Groot, Krunk, Willow, Slider, Stub, Twiddle, Piper, Fluff, Carat, Keg, Snuggle, Bop, Rice and Spoit.

THe only way to upgrade it is how it looks like in overwatch. Overwatch has the same kind of style but looks modern.

Yikes. Hearing stuff like this makes me super-glad I thoroughly workshopped #Bloodengorgederectiletissue before revealing it as our team motto.

I’m sorry, I just dont view it as a problem. I view it as part of the ebb and flow of labor negotiations and the owners currently have the hammer and are using it. A hammer, by the way, that the players union handed them. Like all unions, the MLBPA is run by, and for, veterans. So if you want to cry that Mookie Betts

I don’t agree with the LGBT lifestyle. However...

I agree 100% but I would like them to come out with a switch S it would maybe be 3/4 of the size or something just something a little bit smaller so that I don’t have to carry a backpack something that’ll fit in a cargo pocket or a small bag

Yeah, that’s more or less been resolved, and it wasn’t going to affect this particular tournament in any case

Give me a Star Wars action RPG Diablo-clone and I can die happy.


I had that time in SWG, too. I was part of the Mos Quito experience... one of the first and largest player cities on my server, Mos Quito on Tatooine on Eclipse, became such a well-known player city that even the game’s developers talked about it frequently (I still recall meeting Haden Blackman at a comic con, and he

Exactly right! He’s bland, he’s boring, he’s not funny, and he never says “no” to a job offer.

Nope. The game doesn’t even register that a pro controller is connected.

as a cancer survivor i will always strongly say FUCK CANCER !!!!

I’m also very interested to see how it’s been received. I know a lot of people who only play the campaigns (myself included; when I do play CoD games it’s generally just to blow through the campaign in a weekend) but I still assume most people are there for the multiplayer.