
Lady shoes are ridiculous. It's very hard to find comfy, affordable shoes. I don't even care about cuteness. It's gotten so bad that I generally just wear sneakers 24/7 now. I don't care if they're neon green and don't go with my outfit, they're like feet porn!

I refuse to use Charmin Ultra because it is marketed for BEARS!! Bears, I tell you! I don't want to be seen as lesser of a Homo sapiens if I wipe my fruity tooty with bear toilet paper.

Haha that last line made me think of Sex and the City, when Samantha's boyfriend had an ad done:

It's great for casual use, but as a workplace computer it's just really hard to get past the fun glitter and find what you actually need. Not to mention, all of my older coworkers have so much trouble adjusting to the new start screen...hopefully Windows 8.1 will do what everyone's saying it will do and make it more


Jesus Christ. Is she OK? I mean, has she moved out from that toxic influence? :(
I hope you are still giving her support! (You sound like a lovely sister)


You forget that Asia has a huge "white-washing" problem. Modeling agencies actively seek out white models. Businesses will frequently hire white young males to stand beside a speaker. There is an undeniable preference to hire a white worker who isn't decently bilingual over a Asian worker who is fluent in both the

I say this out of pure ignorance, but...

Ahah! I found the title:
It's called, "Paris-Shanghai: A Fantasy" and you can google it to see the horrific "yellow face" within.

They also love using white models to model other races. I remember a few years back I watched a Chanel short where "Coco" (portrayed by an actress, obvi) went to China in a dream sequence. All the model-actresses were white but with slanty-eyeliner put on, BECAUSE!! DIVERSITY!!! LOL!

I say this with the utmost respect, but...

But would that sex partner be TSUNDERE AND KAWAII?? (desu)

I think the trend is that all the college towns are more progressive. In Durham I see a lot of recent grads or grad students and their new families. Not to mention all the researchers, etc. that come in. :)

Asheville is lovely. (See my comment to hamletgoessafari, I was just exaggerating heehee).

Whoops, I forgot to mention the other cities. I was probably exaggerating when I was talking about the Triangle—sorry if that was a bit hasty. I'm just more familiar with Triangle politics. During this past month I've pretty much only been following protests in the Raleigh-Durham area, so my mind tends to stick there.

Indeed!! I love the Triangle. The irony is that most of the people living in the Triangle are the only progressive ones in NC though...I remember during the 2012 presidential election NC was only a swing state because of the Triangle. The rest was all red.

I honestly don't know why the word "feminism" has such a bad context. I have NEVER seen a "feminazi" in my entire life. I HAVE seen sexism. I love when trolls get out and go up in arms about perceived victim-hood (because MISANDRY) that doesn't even exist.

Jesus Christ. Did they catch those little shits??

Oh, my professor posts them, all right, and the day before the class as well. So yup. That's what I was dealing with.