
I don't know why people keep thinking I'm the professor for the class, I'm a student in it, haha.

And you sound like you're grasping at straws, randomly insulting and attacking me. Sorry, but if you're not going to contribute anything worthwhile, you're dismissed. Have fun.

Try reading my other comments where I said that the quotes were quite literal and were said with ungracious tones. If you think paying tuition allows you to be rude in class, then try again.

The worst part? He does. There is literally no excuse for asking (rudely) for him to repeat his sentences over and over again.

Thanks, Trell. I was equal parts confused and upset at why Pyrax just completely misconstrued everything I said.

I mean, this was a junior/senior level Biochemistry class in a four year university, so I don't think there's any excuse for them to still not know what a lecture-style class is. I came from a poor rural area, too. My first year at college was a shock to me. I honestly thought I was going to fail everything. But you

Haha, thanks. I'm a rising junior in Biology but I never got the literal "repeat that again" questions til I transferred to my current university.

Oh, haha <3

If you read my other comments you will see that the quotes I gave were literal, and not at all said in a respectful tone of voice or with intent for actual, deeper explanation. They just wanted a word-for-word repeat, and help up a good 10-20 minutes every lecture. I even go so far as to address that discrimination

Addendum to Pyrax: I have discovered the dismiss button. Pyrax, you are no longer allowed to call me an "asshole" for things and thoughts I never said or had, and ignoring my comments in favor of accusing me of random shit while ignoring my repeated statements of the context. Have fun being a knee-jerk, and keep the

I never said that ever. And so in spirit of your own asshole-ishness, I shall now dismiss your comment and your knee-jerk reaction with glee. Farewell.

I also don't know if you knew that I was being quite literal in my quotes. "Wait, can you repeat/explain that again?" said in an ungracious, rude tone is common in my class. "Wait, could you explain how the [major groove allows for specificity of DNA-protein binding or specific topic of choice] again? What about the

One more time, for clarification. This is what I was referring to: somebody asking for repeat or re-explanation so they could write it down in their notes word for word. I wasn't backpedaling at all. I was trying to give you a specific example with context.

I ask questions too. I'm not talking about people who ask actual questions, I'm talking about people who constantly ask the professor to repeat a sentence (one time this student asked our professor to say something over and over three times in a row) and to explain something we've covered a week ago.

Oh dear. You get that drink!! No, nobody cares that it's a Monday night. After all, Hitler was big into mid-week drinking!

I'm a transient at a 4 year public university, and I could open up a 5 page word document listing all the times I hear, "Wait, can you say that again????" and "Wait, can you explain that again??" in a 300-student lecture hall.

"Name 2 presidents who have died in office: three who were assassinated."


When you have a male-dominated society that uses their patriarchal agenda to warp a religion into a tool of oppression, what could go wrong??

HAHA!! As soon as I read the article title that scene popped up into my head!