PistolShrimps (the YT channel) have always been one of the best in terms of editing and special effects. ;)
PistolShrimps (the YT channel) have always been one of the best in terms of editing and special effects. ;)
When I was their age, I was constantly screaming and running away whenever the kissing scenes came on TV. Glad to see that tolerance for marriage has increased.
Her name is Jessica "Lynch"? You can't make that up.
Woah woah woah. "In April, Trayon Martin—a 19-year-old student studying engineering at the New York City College of Technology"
Congrats! Happy for you :)
...I have no decent words to say, only expletives. I would send the girl love but what she really needs is justice. Why, Canada?? You were supposed to be my "safety country"!!
Because I'm an ignorant American, I have to wonder: how is rape handled in Canada in general? Is there as bad of a rape culture there? Do the police treat these cases with respect and sensitivity?
This conversation comes up a lot, but there's a lot of reasons. I'm guessing that you feel safer talking to people who are directly involved in your life. You feel (incorrectly, in this case) that your school administration should care about you more than the bigger, unknown, and faceless city law enforcement. There's…
It's from Game of Thrones :)
Daenerys's maids often say that line.
Jeez, I'm sorry :( Basically online dating is worse for any non-heterosexual/non-white person. I generally block and move on, but sometimes it gets to be just plain depressing.
That's a wonderful way of thinking about it. I just wish every dating sites had automated, fake fetish-bait (ex. some petite smiling Asian lady with a profile that says she's looking for a "successful white man") that auto-generated soothing responses to these idiots. The idiots would be drawn to them and us real…
I would just like to give a shout out to BlackinAsia (the poster of the shots). I have been following his blog for the longest time now, and this is a guy whose humility and compassion hides his ardent passion for social justice. Even though I never talked to him IRL, he's a pretty cool guy. I definitely recommend…
I don't know about the other WOC out there, but I tend to eye online dating with some suspicion, due to all the yellow-fetishers out there. I can't count the number of times online daters say something blindingly stupid, like, "I always wanted to be with a woman who submits to her man's wishes" or "Don't worry I'll…
Yet another example of how patriarchy hurts men, and how feminism can also help men in addition to women. I always thought that the "manly" obsession was bullsh*t too.
I didn't mention a specific sex. In fact I meant my comment to apply to both sexes...not sure where you got my man-specificity from.
Yeah, but no one's declaring everybody not having Viennetta is a huge national catastrophe...
According to "askmen.com", that would make you a scientific outlier. Because apparently evolution has caused women to become unfunny.