
Before everyone goes “It was SIDS, you can’t plan for SIDS!” -

So where is the pro-life, “pro-family” movement on this one?

Did anyone actually read the Yale professors response to the halloween costume letter?

I’m firmly team “do not buy gifts for your boss”. You can gift down (your staff, assistant, etc.) but gifting up is awkward unless you have a significant personal friendship. Your boss doesn’t want you to spend money on her.

i just never thought their relationship would work, i mean what with him always shooting first.

(found near one of Ben Carson’s grain pyramids)

No sorry it’s Gwake.

Don’t sell your critics short. Plenty of us who aren’t “procreative people” also find your inability to distinguish between needing subsidized time off to raise children, something the government has very valid reasons to support, and believing you are entitled to subsidized time off to do something that benefits no

I think of it like this: raising human beings is hard work. It takes years & thousands of dollars. I like human beings; they are who I talk to & who makes my entertainment & builds all the stuff I use.

Amazon ain't the only one. After Last Week Tonight with John Oliver's piece on how many states do not offer leave to new parents, way more companies/states should be catching shit for this. "Grow a human for most of the year, then birth it and get your ass back here. Don't bond with the child, don't get well after the

Looks like it’s time to get my Andrea Zuckerman on.

Martin Ginsburg taught tax law at my law school. Every story I ever heard about him was a positive one. He was apparently a delight to study with, a delight to his colleagues, and generally considered to be one of the best professors there.

I have Megan/Nick level love for Rose/Bobby

Empire was my least favorite Star Wars film as a kid. Now that I’m an adult, I view it as the greatest sci-fi film ever made. Empire Strikes Back is in no way the product of nostalgia.

My family is Canadian, so I can speak with some authority: Justin is a very common name in Canada.

In case you can’t see the pic of Penelope getting hit by a car (it’s not showing up on my computer), here it is and it is fantastic. If this were my kid, I’d get this whole succession of pics framed. Bottom Left is priceless. What a cutie pie.

Will you survive? Maeby.

Can I ask a question that might get me in trouble?

You’re not alone in your confusion. I’m a divorce attorney who has dealt with high-net worth clients and crazy custody battles, and this story baffles even me.