
Exactly. This is an important point and I agree with everything you’ve written about this. But your colleague, meanwhile, has posted photos and a link to a video of a possible sexual assault that’s under investigation at Indiana University. I respect your writing, but Gawker keeps doing these really fucked up things

Burneko, this is right and good and correct and excellent and for a (one can only assume very) temporary period you are not the absolute worst.


Regardless of how hot it is outside, you should resist the urge to let your Ariana Grande run around shirtless. Always dress your Ariana Grandes in light layers. Babies are terrible at regulating their own temperatures.

I don’t mind my neighbour’s 5 year old calling me by my first name because at least I know her. My kids call her parents by their first name and I’d look like a right dick if I expected her to call me Mrs. However, the 30-odd six year olds in my son’s class have to call me Mrs. It’s a moot point because they

I still call my best friend’s (since age 11) parents Mr. & Mrs. Last Name. Its just a habit. I don’t *feel* right calling them by their first and last names. Hell, it took me some time to feel comfortable drinking around them.

I genuinely don’t think it’s a respect issue, for most. It is hella disconcerting for a 6-year-old to saunter up to you and be like, “What’s up, Robert?” “How’s it going, Cathy?” “Happy Monday, Tom.”

I find it really gross when I small child is all, “Sharon, can I have some milk?” to an adult. She’s not Sharon but Ms. Smith — Ms. Sharon at a minimum. We were all raised differently, but if a small child comes at me all “first name,” I will calmly correct them. I’m 30. We are not peers.

Any kid who addresses me by my first name is going to get swept off my porch with a large rake.

Sending out my wedding invites next week... totally gonna send one to the Obamas.

...and the two main actors were doin’ it IRL. You cannot buy that kind of crazy hot chemistry.

Blah Blah Blah Blah COLIN FIRTH! Blah Blah Blah...

Sense and Sensibility, starring some real indie obscure actors for the lead parts: Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant... ;)

So this is like the British version of desnudas.

Here’s my friend and I with Mr. Wickham last year. My friend made both our dresses and her bonnet! #skills

I thought the person extending the invite usually paid. I mean if you are going by formal etiquette rules.

No. This is not the face of a man who reciprocates.

I think you’re projecting the lack of love you give/get onto everyone else here. I may not have 300 people who I care deeply about, but between MrM and I, we DEFINITELY have 200.

Sometimes being an adult means being sensitive to other peoples feelings, like your families. Just because you consider it to be the “adult” thing to do, to just say no to people, does not mean it is for everyone. Just because someone comments that it would be hard for them to do something, doesn’t mean they want you