
Yeah, when I was a teenager in the 90’s I knew about the Beatles, The Doors, Blondie, David Bowie, you name it, AND I also knew about what was going on in the current scene. I thought that people who dismissed earlier music as “old” were losers. Know your roots man, know your fucking roots.

Taylor would never use her Birth of Venus hair in a music video to cover dem thangz and that’s why her and I will never be friends.

I tell my kid to ‘hustle’ all the time. And I’m telling him to hurry up or he’ll miss the bus, be late for hockey practice, etc. I'm definitely not trying to tell him to get out and make a buck any way he can.

Yeah, I was going to say some of these are clearly referencing the high school gym teacher usage of ‘hustle,’ which has been around forever.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word ‘hustle’ is to move it...act quick...get a move on. Seems totally appropriate for a work space.