
Just popping in to say “hi” to a fellow Grand Rapidian! I moved here three years ago after growing up and living in Chicago ... and I love it, actually. But, yes, the influence that three main families have is staggering. And I have never been anywhere EVER that automatically splits checks - my East Coast bred WASP

This was SUCH an important movie to me. Not only was my bedroom wall covered in Leo-as-Romeo pictures, it was truly my first introduction to Shakespeare. I went on to be an English Lit major and wrote my honors thesis on Shakespeare - thanks Baz Luhrmann! And I could NOT agree more with your professor - it is SO SO

OMG yes - they were on the wall of my bedroom. Along with a large poster of Leo looking through the fish tank. I was 14, a “never been kissed” freshman in high school, and totally in love.

More book reviews please! This was already on my list, but reading your review made me more interested in actually getting a copy. Would love for this to be an ongoing feature!

T&L have declared this her Slayage Tour 2016 and I could not agree more! She has looked STUNNING at every event, and I love her embracing headwraps. My favorite, by far, was the yellow and purple Carolina Herrera she wore to one of the premieres - that will be on everyone’s best-of-year lists, I would imagine.

I am pretty explicit when I loan a book if I want it back. I feel like you need to be very clear if you want it back, otherwise the expectation is that they can keep it / loan it out / etc. I say, “it’s one of my favorites, so I would love it back when you are done and cannot wait to hear what you think!” I also

I cannot be the only one who wasn’t looking at the headlines, but reading all the “sidebars” on the covers! Hilarious! Who remembered that Madonna and A-Rod dated? 2009, that’s who.

I literally just came here to write “WE HAVE REACHED PEAK DOUBLE CREATURE” - that is so perfect.

YESSSSSSSS... as the parent of a toddler who cannot get out much, and a die-hard Guest fan, the BEST part about this is that I don’t have to go to a movie theater to see it! GO NETFLIX!!

OMG I die whenever she talks about her fear of robots. That whole podcast is amazing, but I usually relate the most to June. “I loved it”.

This young college lady has TASTE - vintage Redford and vintage Michael Caine. I approve. (Granted, they are only vintage to me - for her it was the equivalent of putting up a Zac Efron and Channing Tatum poster, BUT STILL). Their hotties > our hotties.

They sure do ... and good thing they are SO. CUTE.

Fellow second pregnancy second trimester friend! I am actually feeling okay except for the weekly migraine and the heartburn (I can deal), but my real problem is my almost-2-year old has decided that sleep is not for him! Hollering for 2 hours a night! It is horrible... and we have about 16 weeks to resolve this

I was a lefty fencer! It helped so much... I fenced in high school and was very good - I missed the Jr Olympics by one round - but the other people on the team were so insufferable that I quit... it is a huge life regret of mine. I basically left the potential for college scholarships, etc. behind because it wasn’t

I am fresh off a 2 day business trip and about to leave for another one on Monday... I need to remember to thank my husband for putting our son to bed since he is not Biblically mandated to do so! Thanks for the tip! :)

I haven’t been in a few years, but I went to Lolla for at least five years running and they always had free water AND when it got super hot (like this weekend) they shot fire hose-type things into the air to make giant sprinklers - that was the FD and the city, along with the festival. Gotta keep the drunks cool! It

OMG - that is too funny - I never had skin darkening, so I cannot relate. However, I did have skin tags in .... interesting places. Uggh, now that I am reliving this, I cannot believe I am doing it again!

You are lucky - everyone is so different! Since having my first, I have warned my friends, though ... immediately post-baby can be a great time for some, but really challenging for others. People talk all the time about the struggles of pregnancy, but no one warned me about the physical struggles of post-partum.

I know - and somehow the biology / hormones give you completely selective memory. I am 17 weeks now, so a mere 4-5 weeks ago I said to my husband, “remind me to NEVER do this again.” I felt so terrible. Yesterday someone asked me if we would be done at two kids, and I happily replied “we will see, but I don’t mind

Deflated balloon is the best way to describe it. As I just told a friend who is about to have her first, “I wish I could tell you that the indignities end once the baby arrives... but that would be a lie.” My post-baby body was the WORST - hormones, hemorrhoids, and industrial strength maxi pads. Super fun! Punchline: