
But it isn’t men driving any of this content - the vast majority of men don’t care! Men’s only function in this is to be the prize these girls get when they prove they’re ‘better’ than everyone else (in this case by acting and dressing like themselves and shitting on women who are different).

What the fuck are you talking about? I’m talking about a book written by a psychologist about psychological issues and you compare that to Rules for Radicals? Nice brain.

Well congratulations. As a university professor, you must realize that your anecdotal experience is not data, and the data says that students are suffering severe emotional disturbances these days. You’d have to the read the book to understand, and since you are a university professor, I find it disconcerting that you

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” in this context is about building emotional and mental resilience. Do you think people should be intellectually and emotionally fragile?

Now playing

Well, in the book his point about always trusting your feelings is about how students are emotionally reacting to certain topics and not valuing evidence or relying on logic. Haidt is a psychologist, and most psychologists will try to train patients to manage their emotions and not be ruled by them.

Get a job.

his opinions dont suck.

I totally agree, you guys are screwed and can’t form families or buy homes, but I also think you’ve been taught some truly dysfunctional things.


“Cancel Culture doesn’t exist” claims website trying to shame man for his fairly mild opinions.

The fun thing about young people being incensed about old people saying things that are out of step with the politics of the current day is - it will happen to you too. You will (assumedly) live long enough that your opinions calcify, the world will change around you to the point where it no longer resembles anything

This article kinda proves his point, doesn’t it?

This website is really, really bad.

Also, seriously, who cares?  Was anyone in the theater, male or female, like, “Oh no, I thought I was going to get to learn about the rich inner life of Quill’s mom.”

This isn't media criticism, this is *whining*. There's a difference. 

The author cites like 5 female character deaths across 30 films and 10 shows, only a few of which are examples of fridging and several were just actors at the end of their contracts. Considering the trope actually comes from DC Comics, whose films are littered with characters who are motivated/defined by women in

You know what Hollywood trope needs to die? Women being absolutely perfect, infallible; and always smarter, more effortlessly capable, and stronger, than their moronic male counterparts. They never grow. They never learn.

It’s not fridging. Fury already had plenty of reason to do what he’s doing, Hill’s death isn’t the thing that motivated him.

To this day there is no universally agreed upon definition for fridging, it’s just one of those things you know when you see it

i think we’re all waiting for this website to do actual media criticism, and not glorified twitter threads of buzzword outrage bait.

We won’t know until we’ve seen the second half of the series.