
Don’t forget about Super.

The best part about “Captain Marvel” was the end!

Drus is a helluva drug.

A 30 year old having sex with a 19 year old is not the crisis situation you imagine it to be. With genders going either way. It’s certainly not something to aspire to, but it’s also not that big a deal.

Came for Jennifer Lawrence’s full frontal. Then came again

This article seemed like it was going to list out a few points, and just stopped at 2.

The premise of this article hinges on ignoring Rushmore exists. 

No. No. It was their fault. They were the ones who wanted the short final seasons. They could have easily passed the show runner duties to Brian Cogman who absolutely loved the material. But no, they wanted to finish -their- show and rushed the conclusion. Fuck them.

You’re wrong. Plaza was fantastic.

The Brooklyn Museum has been a sad place for years now.

She has an UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE in Art History, which is exactly what I have and about a million other Americans who were underachieving dilettantes in college.

It makes more sense in context in the linked article.

As with so many of these things one wonders precisely who it is for.

If the thing most worth talking about with regards to Picasso’s art is the misogyny of the artist it ought not be displayed in the first place. If you wanted to discuss the misogyny in relation to his art’s immense cultural impact that ought to have

All billionaires are morally reprehensible, so it's okay for me to work with any of them?

The exclusion of Luck of the Fryrish is unacceptable. The ending hits me so much harder than Jurassic Bark.

Chill pls. None of that is happening.

Not the same, sorry. Right wing is pleased to finally have some shit to cancel to push back on “the agenda”. The general tone of lefties/feminists is pure rage all the time. Its the reason this country is doomed. We need to take away the internet, maybe people won’t hate each other quite as much.

So angry. How unusual for...ya know. You guys.

Nope. The *most* you can infer from that is that he talked to Reynolds’ agent.

I love how the writer couldn’t figure out any way to make him sound wrong about any of this, so he’s just hoping presenting the quotes on their own along with an insulting title will be enough. And to show just how right Tarantino is, just look at how Arnold Schwarrzenegger himself has just put out basically a True