
What is a "fire pilot"? Is that someone who rides a fire into battle or something?


@laralaw They'll always have Toby Keith.

Finally watched them again after taking a many-year break, and the bloom is off the rose for me. They're still an amazing achievement, and from a design and VFX standpoint they're a masterpiece, but Peter Jackson can't do subtlety to save his life. So many story elements feel over-simplified and over-explained

Something that should *not* have carried over into the movies, IMHO. It just doesn't work visually.

Also that Plant thought Mordor was a good place to pick up chicks. Although that might explain Gollum stealing her away.

Just Fucking Die Already

And 1000s of videos that nobody watches. Well, I don't, anyway.

Carmageddon 2 Old for this Shit

They ate a whole thing of them!

That thing was dire. That was the first stand-up I'd seen from her, and….man. I just don't get why she gets the attention she does. Being crude =/= being funny, for me anyway.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that some of the things this guy mentions aren't actually cool. Some of them aren't even things.

FLAGGED for incorrect use of the word "literally".

I looked it up right after posting and I've forgotten the exact wording again already. The quote is something along the lines of "A little learning is a dangerous thing/ Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring", from On Criticism by Alexander Pope. And yes, the Pierian spring was basically the well of knowledge.


The asshole response to that saying is: "Do you know what the next line is?"

Well I guess my 31 year old Jetta and I won't be signing up anytime soon. It doesn't even *have* a CD player! (It does have a conveniently-sized cubby to put my smartphone in, though. The acoustics are quite good!(

That's the one, yes. I wouldn't call it good necessarily, but it was damn entertaining.

And yet the raw sexual energy practically leaps off the screen.

Well, the third iteration of The Punisher was the best one, so hopefully that'll be the case with Spiderman as well?