
Iä! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!

It's *palantir* cosplay, not Eye of Sauron. Or just say "Lord of the Rings cosplay" if you can't be bothered to look shit up. We'll still think you're clever, I promise.


Is it preventing you from using punctuation as well?

Didn't make me physically ill, but the graphic, pages-long descriptions of the unspeakable tortures Patrick Bateman unleashes on his victims sickened me in a horrible way that also fascinated me and compelled me to reread them, hating myself the whole time.

I kind of liked Martyrs, but I sure don't plan on watching it again.

I thought Breaking the Waves was pretty good. von Trier sure does seem to enjoy making women suffer in his movies, though.

Actually, it was a Tooth Beaver, I believe.

Not to mention audience members…

Yes, you would. By me.

Sorry to do this, @MeatyStakes:disqus, but I'm going to have to fine you 1 internet point for misuse of the the word "literally". I'm pretty sure you were only envisioning Arrow fans crucifying Michalka in your mind, not actually seeing it. At least, I hope not.

You hit me *with* glasses. That's…well-played, actually.

I cannot watch that movie enough. I would sit through all three Austin Powers movies just to watch that one slo-mo shot of the choppers flying over the beach.

But the password to access the movie's email account will still be "WarMachin3RoXXX".

Definitely missed that! Mind you it's been many years since I watched Jedi, definitely before I got my fancy new HDTV. That does suck, though. Considering all the shoehorned-in crap we have to sit through now when watching the special editions, the fact there are still technical glitches must especially sting.

I too enjoyed the third act but I still found the fan service intruding on my fun a bit. Like, why would AT-AT walkers be there? They are so clearly an assault weapon to be used on a large target; why use them to defend against an infantry attack? Because The Fans Demand It.

@Shakes_McQueen:disqus That scene had me stifling back laughter. I'm impressed you remember the character's name, though.
It's pretty obvious that character had way more to do before the reshoots. I would be extremely interested in seeing what the movie was like before they were done - why such extensive reshoots?

Agree 100% with you on the complete dead zone that was the characters and the utter stupidity of that Darth Vader scene. I cringed. It was like watching 6-yr.-old boys smash action figures together.

@shaiyon:disqus Unfortunately that would go against received Hollywood wisdom that trailers spoil as much of the movie as possible.

No, just felt like I was taking crazy pills.