
I really feel like Unpopular Opinion Guy on these boards today, because I thought that scene sucked and shouldn't have been there at all.

Maybe it's just nostalgia, maybe it's CGI burnout, but I couldn't agree more. That one first-person scene where the viewer flies through like forty oncoming fighters is awesome.

Wait, a 2-second awkward, embarrassing, and completely useless scene is a "thematic link" to something? How? Why?

Wow, that's crazy, because R1 felt exactly like a fan fiction movie to me. I mean, even the premise sounds like something nerds would spend endless hours wondering about on Wookiepedia or whatever. So much of the film felt like a porn movie, except instead of sex it was stuff from the OT (Darth Vader lightsaber fight!

I manage a liquor store, and it never ceases to amaze me how many people come in and ask for "vodka". Depending on my mood, I'll sometimes grab the most expensive bottle and start to ring it through, just to see what they say.

There isn't a "for boys age 12-14" subcategory for any of the Oscars, so, no.

You are expected to air drum along, though.

Yeah, ridiculous will do just fine. So far the series to me has been stupid, but not over-the-top stupid enough to be enjoyable.

I'm trying to work my way through the series, but petered out at Tokyo Drift, which I hope is the worst of the series, because I thought it was pretty bad. When exactly does it start to get better?

Thank the gods…

Yep. Speaking as a guy who spends *way* too much time thinking about what rating to give what I just watched, I would've preferred a *more* complicated system - one pretty much exactly as you describe, @avclub-56263a4461a9391b41b0e60bb325f185:disqus.
I think it's possible that you and I may not represent the majority,

*Immediately adds "bucket lovin" to OKCupid profile*

That sounds pretty darned good, actually. I'm a huge mustard fan, and usually have 5-6 varieties on hand. I'm not familiar with spicy *brown* mustard specifically though. My spicy varieties are Dijon and hot English. The brown mustards I have are sweet Bavarian and a stoneground beer mustard, which is also on the

My personal opinions:

Yup. This. This may hurt a bunch of horrible people, but losing the right to internet privacy is a bad thing and we should not be happy about it in any way, shape or form.

Where's the HBO CEO of Tits when you need him?

A thousand times this. Some of us aren't interested in the ridiculous dick-measuring contest that is the current over-hopping trend. I like my beer malty and biscuity, not fucking Pine-Sol.

Consecutive, or non-consecutive?

It's "Sorcerers Supreme", not "Sorcerer Supremes". Unless you're talking about a mystical all-female soul group.

Ooh, that's some good fanwanking! Extra points for including the worst movie of the bunch.