
It does! And thanks!

Aaaaaand apparently Kinja doesn’t do HMTL. Fuck this shit.

I was so frustrated that <i>Iron Fist</i> refused to show flashbacks of his time in K’un L’un. It would’ve gone a long way towards explaining some of his more frustrating character traits and making them relatable.

Well, it worked. At least I’ll get to be me in this new fresh hell.

I had a pair of red-eared sliders for years, and would regularly get my hands dirty mucking out their aquarium. I always washed my hands afterwards, but other than that I never took any precautions. Never got sick, even when picking them up to let them explore my apartment.


Beethoven, not Mozart. And Brahms wasn't trying to challenge "mastery of any key", he was challenging Beethoven's mastery of C minor. Sheesh.

I enjoy it.

"Barbie Girl" is not nonsensical. You don't have to like the song (personally I think it's great), but the lyrics have meaning. An argument could even be made that they're somewhat clever.


It still absolutely kills me that I can't watch the original trilogy on DVD without all the stupid crap Lucas excreted onto it in the Special Editions. In case you didn't hear me the first 100 times, Mr. Lucas, fuck you in your fat stupid face.

"an" Ouija board?

That list has Tool's Ænima on it.
Fuck that list.

*cold-cocks @snowpree with a right cross*
Look who brought words to a fistfight.

I am in complete agreement on those top three, good sir. I tip my cap to you and wish you a jolly good day.

Prestige is my favourite Nolan film, so I guess we're evil opposites.

I think TDKR is okay, but Interstellar sucked. The weird shoehorned-in "nobody believes in science" subplot that takes up 20 minutes of the movie and is then thrown away and never mentioned again. Matthew McConaughey's daughter is such a little bitch you want to slap her face off the screen. The hammy, ridiculous

The Prestige is a great movie, both in form and content. Fight me.

THANK YOU. The AV Club's gradual slide into prequel apologia is one of the most undeniable signs of its decline.

Uh, he goes by "Flynn" now guys…