
Nothing wrong with the music itself, just overplayed and thuddingly obvious in the way it was used (although the excellent opening credits get a pass - Zack Snyder should only be allowed to make the first 10 minutes of movies (see also the Dawn of the Dead remake)).

Funny take, but I think you give Snyder way too much credit. All that guy cares about is making "cool" images. I find him to be an incredibly shallow filmmaker. He would never need prodding from the producer/studio to do "more Zack Snyder shit".

That is unfortunate, although @zoso 's idea of the sharks only being able to slide downhill, as opposed to swimming through the snow, is wayyyyyy funnier. I say you keep at it, @disqus_kc67aRUBec:disqus

Nah, only Cheezies get called Cheezies. And they are fucking awesome. Although they do look kind of like hardened orange turds.

I regularly apologize to people who bump into me. It's instinctive.

Yup, we call it that on the West Coast too.

I'm on the West Coast, and I very rarely hear it unironically. And I've only heard the "narrative eh", basically used in place of "you know"?
I have a co-worker who writes down "eh" but uses it in place of "hey". I'm pretty sure that's because she's illiterate though, not because she's Canadian.

So they can both watch the hockey game, eh?

Oh, I still love eating vegetarian food. I just gave up trying to deny myself meat.

I was a "vegetarian" for almost 10 years. I had to eat meat about once every two or so months to keep from going insane. I would start to fantasize about eating meat more than I would about sex. It was crazy. Eventually I gave up and went back to eating meat.

I kinda like the Resident Evil movies. They're fun and don't take themselves too seriously. I'd rather watch the whole bunch in a row than suffer through one Uwe Boll adaptation.

I don't know, there's something about making fun of Nickelback that just makes it funnier the longer it goes on. Like, at this point, the joke isn't that Nickelback sucks (although they certainly do), but that jokes are still being made about them in 2016.
Nickelback hate is timeless. Nickelback hate will always be

Never, ever limit yourself when it comes to things you can hate. Reach for the stars!

But, if you're not a pirate, then who am I going to share my treasure with?

Garr! Should've scrolled down further.

No one gonna mention Pirate Steve? Fine, I will.
Garr! Joe's be the only place fer Pirate Steve!

Have some candy!

No, go right ahead and take from Lucas, @avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus. He gets wayyyyyy too much credit for the design in his movies. An army of talented, hard-working people make a bunch of brilliant designs and he picks the one he likes. You want to credit someone for Boba Fett, credit Ralph

He had the gall to play the race card when no studio would pick up Red Tails. No George, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that it's a shitty, shitty movie.