
Eh, Peart may have had Objectivist leanings in his youth, but I wouldn't call him conservative nowadays.

It's the fucking Catalina wine mixer!

Still not as bad as Welsh Self-Defense…

"Negative attitudes can be a prison."

See, whenever I tell people about my dream of building a 100-foot high ziggurat of babies' skulls, people react with shock and horror. But do I let that get me down? Heck no! 'Cause I believe in myself.

As did Alice Cooper.

Ah, Epic Meal Time. The 2 Girls, 1 Cup of food porn.

I love that his wife totally supports his Avenging.

Wow, that is amazing.

Good point. And since making my original comment, I have read up on the issue and it's clear that a lot of those 37 choices are more different flavours of a much smaller number of genders, which makes a lot more sense to me.

If Tinder wants to have 37 options for gender, fine, that doesn't bother me.
If I were expected to recognize and tell the difference between 37 genders, not fine, that bothers me.

Which he did indeed do. Fitting, really.

Stock up. Now is the time to be stockpiling booze like you would water during an earthquake warning.

In a Gestapo uniform!

He also has a so-so Method actor hiding inside of him. And a mediocre Shakespearean actor. There's also a guy in there who subscribes to Stanislawski's system but is terrible.

I think Return is where the "zombies eat brains" trope comes from. Feel free to correct me.
It's also the only zombie movie I know of where the zombies talk, which is both hilarious and pretty creepy (for example when they interview that half a corpse thing tied to the table).
It's also IMHO does the "person turns into

I got that.
I understood that reference.

That would be Molson Ice, I assume. I've been managing a liquor store for a year now and there's a six-pack of the stuff in the back that's been there longer than I have. I mean, I know it's stale-dated and I should just pour it out, but I'm afraid to open it…

Hey, I really, really hated that movie too! Maybe Nabin and I can start a club!

It needs to be at LEAST….THREE times bigger!
And not have holes in the seats for stingers!