
Sure. And wax dummies thrash around, struggle, and then die when dropped into a locked box filled with water. You're an idiot.

He keeps getting older, but his paychecks stay the same amount.

There already is a Rome version of Call of Duty. It's called Ryse: Son of Rome and it's not very good.

"Now, my choices to defer college to write and play music, to finally
introduce 10 years of hard work to a national audience while working
consistently and intentionally on my own personal and professional
integrity, has led to an uproar of judgement and hatred unleashed on me,
my band and my family."

So, if this is called Wolverine 3, does that mean we're supposed to acknowledge the existence of X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Because I thought we weren't doing that.

I think that this sort of approach is counterproductive. People write this kind of atrocious stuff on the internet because it's consequence-free, and publicizing it like this just helps them in their goal of harming people. Don't give these people an audience. Ignore it.

Cool story, Hansel.

I believe that the movie was originally intended to be a series, actually. But yeah, a sequel seems really unnecessary.

I used to think Eisenberg was an off-brand Cena. Now I think it's the other way around.

3-D isn't really comparable to motion interpolation. 3-D has its champions (of which I'm not really one, although I thought it was extremely well-used in Avatar and about the only movie that I thought was improved by it). And regardless of your opinion of it, it is a legitimate tool in the filmmaker's toolbox, to be

Actually, mixolydian and dorian are modes, not keys.

You don't want none of this, Dewey!

Okay, I remember the Sweet Pea line. I'll give you that, although I would qualify it by saying that just having a character blurt out that the story isn't going the way it's supposed to be is pretty damn clumsy, as opposed to the hilarious yet biting stuff in ST.

I fail to see how the narrator being one character instead of another would in any way improve the dull, clattering mess that is this movie.

The Dawn of the Dead remake is pretty much the only Zack Snyder movie I like. Terrific opening, solid first act, and enough extras to have a truly impressive "zombie horde". Gets worse from there on, but overall a worthwhile watch.

Yeah, the use of the term "irony" to describe a humorous coincidence is so widespread that I don't even bother correcting it anymore. It's like "begging the question". We've lost this one.

Yes, well those are kind of the same two words. The actor and the character he played. Although I'm sure Chris Tucker ruins every movie he's in. Not that I plan on testing that theory.

I'm one of the few that hates that movie, and the main reason for it is the last two words of your post.

And yet the one they came up with is even more problematic.

Y'know, there just isn't enough appreciation for a really good codpiece these days.
*pours one out for Sting*