
Yes, that's absolutely correct. There's a link to another article that makes it crystal clear that Pegg's the one making it "not Star Trek":

I forget the details, but isn't the history of those (terrible) lyrics that it was some scheme to get money for the theme that G. wouldn't otherwise get?

Yes, PMRC. Parent's Music Resource Council. Headed by Tipper Gore, and instrumental in getting those warning labels on albums, I believe. And thanks for the recommendation; I've been meaning to get that one.

The first time I listened to that album, my buddies and I were stoned out of our gourd, and when the track counter started silently counting up after the "last" track, we totally lost our shit. Then it stopped at 69, and those weird atmospheric knocks and echoes started playing….shit, we thought it was the end of

Was it the PRMC that instigated that? They really had it in for them.

I don't know, I think the picture of a cow licking its own asshole on Tool's Undertow was pretty much the crowning achievement of that particular trend.

I'm guessing anyone who bought a Hall and Oates album new didn't really need to know what day it was.

Oops, should've read one more down before posting.

I bought Frankenchrist on vinyl, and it came with a poster by H. R. Giger that featured rows of what appeared to be rotting alien genitalia, which my 13-yr-old self proudly displayed on my bedroom wall. My mom was dismayed but didn't make me take it down.

I have only the most passing acquaintance with the games, but: isn't the whole thing that Sonic only works in 2-D platformers, and they keep forcing him into 3-D games?

Perhaps the Doof Warrior could perform his entry music?


I think the rage is mostly coming from how much I hate the characters, and the fact that this episode has, IMHO, an "idiot plot". The whole issue could've been solved by her communicating to her boss that she wasn't in any way interested.

What word would you suggest I use to replace it?

Oh fuck off. Using sex like that is gross regardless of gender. Check your own misogyny for immediately assuming that the character being a woman had anything to do with it.

I see what you did there.

Well, I let it all out, so no need to bottle it, but as I said I won't be watching it, so your advice is doubly pointless.

I hated this episode so much it made me angry. Like, repeatedly shouting "I fucking hate you, shut the fuck up!" multiple times at the TV. I found the two leads to be incredibly unlikeable. Oh, the child star you're supposed to be tutoring is reluctant to do her lessons? Oh gosh, who could have seen that one coming?

I don't know if I've ever been so thrilled by a movie. It was literally pulse-pounding. It took me a while to get my breath back after it was over. I didn't know it was possible for this jaded old cynic to have a reaction like that.
And of course, all the other reasons stated above. Those also.

Your friend was spot on in comparing 4e to MMO gameplay. I tried to get a 4e campaign going and that aspect killed it for me. Like, why do these first-level wimps have 5 or 6 superpowers they can use multiple times a day right out of the box? Oh yeah, because your character in WoW does too.