
Every single one of the prequels is utter shite. If you defend them, you are a bad person with bad opinions.

"gingerly" What, you got something against gingers?

Well, if you're going to haul out the hoary old "the villain *wanted* to get caught!" trope, you might as well also use the "neutral colour scheme + glass partition" look that always goes with it.

That was the laziest cameo I've ever seen. To quote Red Letter Media, it looks like it was filmed via Skype. And the reason it was such a tight shot was so Nimoy didn't even have to bother putting on the ears.

They went to great lengths in the first movie to explain that this is alternate-universe Star Trek, clearing the way for all-new adventures with Kirk and crew, and then spent the next movie retelling a story from the old universe. I hope everyone involved in that decision contracts chlamydia.

To be fair, sucking at bass guitar isn't really a barrier to being a bass player.

Wait, so X1 and X2 didn't happen, but that godsawful Wolverine origin story *did*? That ain't right, bro.

I really, really hope they redo what his powers look like. In First Class he looked like he was using a hula hoop.

That's Liefeld, right? Fuck, that guy can't draw to save his life. Why the fuck did people buy comics drawn by him?

"And why doesn't Larry, the largest friend, not just eat the others?"

I noticed he was wearing a Rush t-shirt in the trailer, and it made me happy.

All space ships, vehicles and space stations built for the Empire must have a small, easily destroyed part that will blow up the entire station/ship/vehicle. It's in their design documentation.

Damnit, should've scrolled down further.

Whenever Wolverine isn't on screen, all the other characters should be saying "Where's Wolverine?"

I don't dislike Lawrence, but she is horribly miscast as Mystique. Maybe it's because she still looks like she's about twelve? When the hell is that woman going to age?

Wrong. DofP allowed you to watch Halle Berry get brutally murdered, a joyous occasion for anyone who had to sit through X-Men 3.

Eats, shoots, and leaves.

I thought that opinion was odd, too. Hell, King Lear has a dude getting his eyes ripped out of their sockets.

"That depends. Are you going to go to bed when you're told from now on?"

Are you asexual or something? Not judging or anything, just curious.