
Ugh, that guy is the worst.

Two girls debating video games…hot.

I've only ever owned Low Spark, but it is indeed fucking fantastic.

What does in Presto for me is the production. It sounds tinny and neutered to my ears. Just compare the studio version of "The Pass", which is the best song on the album, to any live version. No comparison. The live versions just slay.

The steering wheel is fine for the snare and high hat, but for tom-tom work, you want to go to the dashboard. The visor and rear-view mirror are for cymbal hits. Just don't use the gas and brake pedals for double-kick drum riffs.

The difference is that now everyone can share in the meanness. It's one thing to have a critic write a cutting review of something you created, but to have thousands join in and say "Hah! I also thought it sucked! The creator of this work is an asshat!" is another.

Except for Family Guy.

Using such a terrible film for your analogy doesn't help your point.

Bombay (what the British called Mumbai)…
WTF are you talking about? Mumbai is the current name of the city, Bombay it's former name. Odin's ravens, smarten the fuck up.

Dear AVClub: Please stop sucking George Lucas's dick and go back to recommending movies that aren't complete pieces of shit.

To paraphrase John Oliver: Fuck this asshole.

Hats on dogs piss me off. It's one article of clothing that completely doesn't work, because the ears are in the way, but stupid humans keep jamming them on their heads because they think it looks funny. I hope your dog takes a shit on your pillow, stupid hat-jamming-on-dog-head humans

Better than talking *to* them, the insufferable little shits.

I also remember him screaming at someone "You made me hate myself!" as justification for rat-murdering them. Dude, I think you accomplished that all on your own. If I was you I'd hate myself too.

Yes, but they were coal-fired, weighed 50lbs, and were made of wood.

Oh man, Williard. I didn't hate that movie, but….jeez. If you're going to make the protagonist an antihero, you have to make him at least *somewhat* likable.

Reminds me of the black dragon that attacked Vaarsuvius in Order of the Stick: "You humans think just because we have combat stats for every age level that it's okay to murder our children."

Hell, I invented an entire new race of humans, complete with culture, mythology, rites of passage, and technology, and then created a double-digit page backstory on *top* of that for my ocean ranger.

Nice, but the correct answer is "don't worry, I've already changed it."

Steve-O, animal rights activist AND Party Boy.
Have a silver thong on me, buddy.